whats the worst and most saddest beyblade break yuove ever had? mine would have to be my pegasis 's bottom breaking or my bistools gettin stolen and broke
R.I.P dead beyblades v_v
You broke a Pegasis already? Gosh that sucks. D: Sorry about that.
Still, isn't this a bit like the 'whine about your breaks' thread? ^^;
Still, isn't this a bit like the 'whine about your breaks' thread? ^^;
Yeah, we have a "Whine about your breaks" thread already.
oh carp delete this thread someone -.- i never take the time to look bfore i post that is a habbit i should get rid of D:
S'okay. Someone'll get rid of it later.
HAHAHAHAHA(sorry), dude, be more careful. Can't believe you broke Pegasis already. BTW, I know him.
Not locked yet.>>