Questions about the WBO

What are those face bolts under peoples avatar and how do you get them?
(Feb. 11, 2011  12:41 PM)CyberEagle Wrote: What are those face bolts under peoples avatar and how do you get them?
The 'awards' on this site.

You should check out this page regarding the Face Collection.
How do you put a link in your sig
(Feb. 12, 2011  12:25 AM)EarthEagle2813 Wrote: How do you put a link in your sig
(Feb. 12, 2011  3:37 AM)SSJfisherman Wrote:
(Feb. 12, 2011  3:35 AM)heypier9000 Wrote: what can i not post
ok thank
how do you put yourself in the WBO map? It says I forgot something.
(Feb. 12, 2011  4:07 AM)eclipse162 Wrote: how do you put yourself in the WBO map? It says I forgot something.

The usermap has had a malfunction for several months, and unfortunately there is nothing we can do to fix it since we are not programmers. For the moment the best indicator is really the WBO General forum.
Ok. Thanks. Hope it gets fixed soon.
Umm... What ever happened to the "Quest For Quetz?" Isn't it still going on? Last I checked it never ended...

EDIT: Never Mind. I found the answer I was looking for.
excuse me when will a tournament reach sterling va and if it doesn't please make it happen. If it ever does please notify me
(Feb. 13, 2011  3:21 AM)sparky4449 Wrote: excuse me when will a tournament reach sterling va and if it doesn't please make it happen. If it ever does please notify me

Only people who live in a certain region can organise tournaments in that region ...
is there a fourm where u can arrange tournemnts around your area
(Feb. 13, 2011  4:44 AM)omiegon Wrote: is there a fourm where u can arrange tournemnts around your area

WBO General forum ... However, once you gathered enough people, you need to post in the Event Proposals forum to get it approved. Make sure to read the Rulebooks and Event Guide too.
that depends on where you are located. But most likely yes.
ok thank you for replying
Is there a "rate my combo" thread?
My question,
I heard a lot of people editing the wiki
I'm asking how's it done
And what is sysops
is ther going to be a beyblade tournament in sngp 2011
(Feb. 13, 2011  2:12 PM)NicoShanil Wrote: is ther going to be a beyblade tournament in sngp 2011

Um.. Check the WBO General.
(Feb. 13, 2011  1:34 PM)Aquila112 Wrote: Nope,
My question,
I heard a lot of people editing the wiki
I'm asking how's it done
And what is sysops

You need to post a draft of the Article you want to write in the 'BeyWiki Project' forum. And if it's good you get chosen, is for you're 2nd Question.
Where do I find a Signature and Avatar shop?
(Feb. 13, 2011  6:38 PM)Jacksonian Wrote: on my sig there is a link to my sig shop.

The actual, non-egoist answer would have been "In the Your Creations forum" ...
Would it be possible to do something about "MyBB SQL Error"?
I know that it involves problems from the host, but is it possible to make the problem clear up? As it's pretty annoying reading on the WBO and you get hit with that page that refuses to go away until later.