Purchase Consultation (MFB + Burst)

(Dec. 23, 2009  4:25 AM)blacklightning Wrote: wat r gimmicks

that is an incredibly vague question.
yeah i figured im sorry...ive been living under a rock 4 like 7 years lolz real beans
Is £15 a good price for MFB random booster 2? I think i'm gonna get two cause I really want libra and virgo without getting reshuffle cause purple libra looks awful to me.
Not really ... quite expensive in my opinion.

You could also get the regular Libra DF145BS, which is green/yellow-ish.
yeah but black and red libra's look way cooler. If I buy two and don't get a libra then i'll buy the booster.
Can someone tell me whether Advance striker is a good buy and whether it's a good price at £10?
(Dec. 24, 2009  12:45 AM)megablader2 Wrote: Can someone tell me whether Advance striker is a good buy and whether it's a good price at £10?

(Dec. 24, 2009  3:04 AM)Aqua Wrote: http://wiki.worldbeyblade.org/index.php/Advance_Striker

I say go for it.
Depends on what currency. In dollars probably $10 - $20 and in pounds probably about £10 - £15.
is there a price difference between japanese and korean blades? Someone is telling me that if I wanted a japanese earth aquila it would be $50, but a korean one would be $20...
Now, since Sono Kong and Takara-Tomy are together on this one, I thought that the two blades would be exactly the same... just sold differently and in a slightly different package.
I came here to get my facts straight, since I want a solid argument haha.
There may be a slight price difference. However I think that it's just someone who wants to make a higher profit than someone else.
(Dec. 28, 2009  10:01 PM)Benkei Wrote: There may be a slight price difference. However I think that it's just someone who wants to make a higher profit than someone else.

Yah, thats what I thought. nobody is gonna pay $30 more for a beyblade starter just because its japanese and not korean... they are the same...
how much should i buy a wind aquario 100 HF/S for? (max price) I just want it for a collection, not for competitive use or anything.
This a good purchase?

Metal face
Earth Aquila
yeah those are quite useful do have but not together.
So I should buy them But not customize them together?
If you are trying out possible defense combos, then use the metal face. If you are going for stamina, then don't.
hey everyone, there are some blades i want but i dont know where to get them here they are
cyber pegasis
gold quetzalcoatl (the one i hear that is in the ds game in japan)
black dranzer
dark dranzer
dark driger
dark draciel
dark dragoon
if someone could give me some links to get them that would be super special awesome
The first two come with japanese games which can be found on ebay but they normally cost quite a lot. The others you'll have to find yourself cause they are quite rare although you could probably find them in YJA or you could see if people on here have them for sale. Also this doesn't really belong in this thread.
Should I get Rock leone or Dark bull.
(Dec. 31, 2009  4:07 PM)Zeox Wrote: Should I get Rock leone or Dark bull.

Neither? Are You sure.I thought those 2 were Good Beyblades.But I can't purchase both
(Dec. 31, 2009  4:58 PM)Zeox Wrote: Neither? Are You sure.I thought those 2 were Good Beyblades.But I can't purchase both

They both only have one useful part. The rest of their parts suck.

Do you have any other options?
Well, my other options were Flame Saggitario and Dark Wolf.But, I did not think they were good

And flame Libra.