[Product]  BB-80 Gravity Perseus AD145WD

Starter. June 26th 2010. 1365 yen.

[Image: GravityPerseus.jpg]

Defense Mode
Counter Mode

[Image: GravityPerseus_BeylauncherLR.jpg]

Apparently a new rival.

It comes with a new Beylauncher that has two sets of prongs, at the top and at the bottom, so it can simply be flipped to get the other spin direction. The Perseus Clear Wheel is probably not blocked in any way, unlike all the previous Clear Wheels.
O_O is it just me, or does that sound like a multi-directional wheel to anyone?
(Jan. 28, 2010  3:13 PM)theflightyellz Wrote: O_O is it just me, or does that sound like a multi-directional wheel to anyone?

Yep, and it's the last release. New system?

From the sounds of it, you can flip the Metal Wheel over and use it either way. Neato.
It sounds like TT have released a bey that sounds pretty decent (about time TT).
IS THere any pics of it?
Kai-v has only just posted the bey today.
I think this is the new system tbh
Flipping over metal wheels as the new system? Meh. Flipping over wheels as an addon gimmick? Yes.
(Jan. 28, 2010  6:25 PM)Medz Wrote: Flipping over metal wheels as the new system? Meh. Flipping over wheels as an addon gimmick? Yes.

Flippable wheel, clear mode changing, AND multi-spin as a new system? seems pretty OK to me

This should be pretty neat. And a new beylauncher. This is a great day for Beyblade!
Finally a multi-directional MFB! I hope the wheel is decent, otherwise it won't be worth it.
Seems pretty decent if this were to be a new system.
Maybe the clear wheel is the multidirection part, and you could slap it on Storm, or Thermal, or Rock, or Quertz, or whatever you want.

Gravity will more than likely be a defense wheel, looking at the lower parts.
Its Quetz* No R In Quetzecoatl.

Plus, Gravity I think will either be A Defense or stamina wheel
(Jan. 28, 2010  10:34 PM)firelord767 Wrote: Maybe the clear wheel is the multidirection part, and you could slap it on Storm, or Thermal, or Rock, or Quertz, or whatever you want.

Gravity will more than likely be a defense wheel, looking at the lower parts.

Not a chance they would allow this -- too dangerous. I am guessing it will be a new kind of Clear Wheel and Metal Wheel design.
I think we can all infer that this is a defense type.

With a name like "Gravity" and the heavy amount of D type gimmicks,it's hard to ignore. But hey, it could be another defense wheel (finally).
(Jan. 28, 2010  10:27 PM)firelord767 Wrote: Perseus? FAKE PEGASIS ANYONE?


Don't look like no carpin' prissy horse to me...
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Epic win. I hope it's something good if not then the heck with it.
In certain myths, Perseus, Medusa, and the Pegasus are linked.
(Jan. 29, 2010  1:05 AM)The LVJ Wrote: In certain myths, Perseus, Medusa, and the Pegasus are linked.

Perseus beheads Medusa, and Pegasus springs from the pool of blood if I remember correctly.
Ooo I wonder what Gravity and AD will be like :o. I hope its a track that's on par with c145
I failed. I just saw P and US and figured that some anime character cloned Pegasis or something.
Perceus sounds pretty Greek to me. I understand that it was an honest mistake.
Gravity sounds awesome! Can't wait to see what this one will end up looking like!