how much is that in USD?
[Product] BB-37 Random Booster Light Vol.2 Wind Aquario 100HF/S
(Feb. 10, 2009 10:47 PM)CarbonJames Wrote: how much is that in USD?
There is supposed to be one of the gimmick Tracks in this Random Booster ...
If there are enough boosters with rf in this rb, i might consider picking it up.
Maybe. The prize is the worst ever though.
Even if Rubber Flat is included in this; it would only make sense to buy from MOJ or Japan-Toys. You would need to buy bulk to make this cost-effective.
Still find it ridiculous that these are only £3 in Japan, yet we'll be paying around £14 for them imported.
Import tax must be getting ridiculous for UK buyers, and the recession is forcing prices up.
It's just getting to the point where a lot of people can't afford beyblades.
Hopefully I'll be able to get my hands on a couple of these, it'd be nice to get another RF.
Import tax must be getting ridiculous for UK buyers, and the recession is forcing prices up.
It's just getting to the point where a lot of people can't afford beyblades.
Hopefully I'll be able to get my hands on a couple of these, it'd be nice to get another RF.
This seems like it might be worse than RBLV1, it has no new tracks or bottoms. So hopefully it will come with parts like WD145, RF, WB, D125, D, etc.
(Apr. 16, 2009 8:18 PM)Aqua Wrote: This seems like it might be worse than RBLV1, it has no new tracks or bottoms. So hopefully it will come with parts like WD145, RF, WB, D125, D, etc.More D would be really, really useful.
Still think it's carp that it only comes with starter Leone when it's such a useful part.
Why would there be D though, surely these would just be Hybrid wheel parts?
It comes with Booster Pegasis too. I'm gonna get one soon.
WB is better though.
Well yeah, WB was released about a week ago. WB has more contact on the stadium so it has more friction and thus more grip.
From what I've seen For Defense WB is better but for Stamina D is better...
I sppose this boosters saving grace is the 100 track?
Oh, wait. I got it confused with 90.
(May. 03, 2009 2:08 PM)Aqua Wrote: Wind Aquario.... not like it will have any use
[Image: 2ir7k9l.jpg]
Dark Leapord's rc?
Uh what? It's just a 100 Track.