(Sep. 27, 2009 5:38 AM)fragbait Wrote: That doesn't look like mother 3....Looks like LoZ LttP with Wind Waker graphics.
Easy explanation, on the first page, when I posted the post that says "Mother 3" I had a Mother 3 wallpaper.
The file name of that wind waker image is "MyDesktop.png" Which is also the same name my Mother 3 wallpaper would have used. so if I ... i dunno, deleted the Mother 3 wallpaper off my photobucket account, and uploaded the Zelda wallpaper under the exact same file name, It would change any previously linked images to the new Zelda image!
Edit: Or alternatively, What are you talking about? That image is neither Mother 3 nor Zelda... Are you feeling alright?