Pokémon Ultra Sun & Pokémon Ultra Moon

Well they've been officially announced.

Watch the trailer here (comes after the Pokkén Tournament DX trailer)

Discuss further... Necrozma getting some backstory? Necrozma is the Gen 7 version of Kyurem? Wooooaaahh
Still salty about no Stars or Gen 4 remakes. At least Gold and Silver is coming out on Virtual Console.
I'm so hyped for these new ones! Sun and Moon were a lot of fun (whenever they weren't shoving tutorials down your throat, at least Tongue_out) and I'm excited to see how this expands upon the story. Hopefully they provide an option to turn off the tutorials, and maybe a difficulty select at the beginning of the game? The new Solgaleo/Lunala forms look kinda dumb, but then again, Necrozma also looked really dumb, so idk what I was expecting. On the subject of new forms though, I hope we'll get to see more Alolan forms. It would probably come at the expense of compatibility with the original games, but it would still be cool.

if lillie isn't the champion of alola i'm quitting pokemon Tongue_out
YAHHHHHHHH I hope Pokemon from Sun and Moon can be Transferred into the Gen 7 remake (Probably will lol)
heck yewah I might die now that I know this is being released

ive already beat the regular sun and moon
The concept of the game is essentially what we wanted from stars, except its on 3ds not switch. I habe literally no interest in USUM and I dont think its going to sell well. I also think its just a cash grab because sun and moon sold incredibly well