Plastic to HWS Dragoon, Dranzer,Driger,Draciel.

If Dragoon, Dranzer, Driger, and Draciel were turned into HWS beyblades what would they be called?
Here's mine-
Storm Dragoon 100RF [Clear wheel pegasis]
Flame Dranzer 145WD [CLear wheel aquila]
Earth Driger D125MS [ Clear wheel ?????]
Rock Draciel DF145WB [ Clear Wheel leone]

you can pick one or all four! Chat Away! Pick a clear wheel and rename it dragoon, dranzer,driger, or draciel!

NOTE you cannot recolor a clear wheel unless it has already been recolred.
Hm, Burn Dranzer 145 FS (Fireblaze)

Shouldn't this go in the random thoughts topic though?
Hah it's fine. Just read the PM Kai-V sent you! It has all rules and info for the site on it.
Oh yeah I kinda skimmed through that thanks!
It would be more like:
Burn Dranzer 145 CS/ FGrin/ HF/S{Phoenix}
Earth Driger D125 S{Leone}
Counter Draciel GB145 RS
Lightning(Remodled)LDragoon 90 FGrin(Only the Rubber mode)(LDrago)
This does not deserve a topic, and you are really not the first one to try to do this ...