Pita Ten

Poll: Did you think this series was cute?

Total: 100% 1 vote(s)

I doubt anybody has watched this anime/read the manga. And if they have, they probably died of cuteness-overload (like me. yes i am dead).

Okay, not to spoil anything, here we go:

Started off as a manga, got adapted into an anime, you get the gist.

Quote: The plot of Pita-Ten centers primarily on the upbeat character Misha and her attempts to become a licensed angel, and Kotaro, her neighbor.

Misha is cute. Kotaro is cute. Shia is cute. Takashi is cute. Koboshi is cute. EVERYONE IS CUTE.

*deep sigh*

What was/is your opinion of this series? I think it was funny, cute and sad all at the same time.

I love the opening theme song *kawaii overload* (((o(*゚▽゚*)o)))