[Philippines] Any fellow Filipino bladers out there? (SPEAK ENGLISH.)

ok thanks where can i sell my unicorno just asking if you are intreasted pm me but it is not quick ill just update the buyer
MFB Unboxer: why only Brasso?
aruchi: why would you sell your Ray Unicorno?
Where to buy Brasso Wadding Metal Polish in the Philippines? Except E-Bay.
im planing to buy a one with holographic sticker oh and it is not the3rd qtr. there gonna release it they are going to release it int the january
Brasso is convenient to use because the polish is on a wad of cloth so no application is required. It's pretty striaghtforward.

DrigerGT and JeeReggy use Brasso for their beys but if you want to save some cash, get yourself some GLO or MC.
@sam_m0jacko: whats the difference between Brasso and MC?
@ aruchi Bankee said so that they will not release them until the 3rd quarter of 2011
i asked toy kngdom stores told me i called them call them if you want heres the tell. no.935-0745,804-0934,556-0432 / 556-0433,892-0842,636-1822,8066249, 637-1880
Well I am not sure where to buy Brasso on Philippines but I know where at the US...
MFB Unboxer: are you suggesting that we should buy Brasso? We will order in e-bay just for a Brasso Metal Polish? Oh come on!
b0nEz, Well I have it and it is great so yah...........
b0nEz,you have the original box of ray unicorno right can i have it
aruchi: why? If I will join a tournament the box is needed. Im sorry but I cant. No hard feelings ok?
aruchi: when you buy Ray Unicorno its with a box. You have a Ray Unicorno box right?
MFB Unboxer: where did you buy Brasso?
MFB Unboxer: If you got that at e-bay how much is it? How is the shipment?
Where to buy Extreme Bey Stadium?
@b0nEz,yeah but it doesnt have a holographic sticker in it
aruchi: If you join a tournament, you should show your box with a holographic sticker.
yeah it doesnt because it is from bestoys anyway buy my unicorno for 700pesos if your intreasted pm me
Extreme beystadium can be bought from toys r' us and toy kingdom with Rock Orso included in the package.

Unicorno costs P650 from bestoys and yours is considered a 2nd hand because you opened the box. sell it for 500 instead.
sam_m0jacko: how much?
@sam_m0jacko,imma also selling a 2nd hand C145,125,MS,105 anyone intreasted pm me

_____________________________________________________________________________________________i know its kinda pricey but imma low on cash so the price is high if people buy many of my stuff ill make the prices low oh and ray unicorno is off the hook no more ray unicorno
@sam_m0jacko If he did not use it yet, it is MINT and kinda retains it's value.
aruchi: where did you get those tracks?
aruchi where did you get those tracks?
parts clasified imma gonna sell them low on cash you see i also accept bidding
could you give us a picture?
i wanna look at the tracks you are selling
ok a picture ok
We are getting off-topic here guys. If you want to discuss about selling stuff, you can always go through a PM.