Not sur eif this is the righ tplace but i've seen a viewing issue

If this is the wrong place i'm sorry...i just didnt see a report bugs section....

Occasionally, the site will all of a sudden give me a message saying "service temporarily unavailable", and quite often when it does i have to completely sign off to get to be able to see the site again.

is there some cause for this or it is just my connection?
It's not just you; it's a problem with the server. Logging on or off will have no effect, since it's purely coincidental.

We're looking into it.
Thanks for the info, i am glad it's not my connection.
I'm also going to assume the server trouble is why my avatar isn't showing good luck fellows!
Your avatar should not be related at all with this issue. Furthermore, I do not know if you modified it, but it is working for me.
well speaking of avatars the only one i can see is Lord Wolfblade's of Edward from FE, i cant even see yours Kai,

Mine should be a guy with cake-orange hair making a semi-upset face and should only be 100x100
you mean Rallen from spectrobes? yea i see it, perhaps your computer has updated somethin big, so it's going slower...
It is seriously an issue on your side, because I can see everything.
to Nwlf, yeah it's rallen i use descriptive terms to be more precise to non spectrobe-players though

and to Kai
Well i dont know why it's doing that but thanks for filling me in on the fact that it's still showing, i appreciate it!