Everything looks good to me, I say it should be posted on beywiki
Nightmare Rex UW145EWD
Also note that you can only get it in the strongest blader set.
Add in it's spin-stealer (MSF-H) before the Reviser Dragooon SA165EWD.
OK, I've updated this a bit more since its been ignored for some time. Any thoughts you'd like to share?...
I would put under the EWD section about the spin-stealing customization MSF-L Girago Dragooon SA165(ZRG Attack Mode)EWD.
I think I've done it right. I'm also going to be looking for more 'EWD' Combos that are Tier.
1,200 Post!!!
1,200 Post!!!
OK guys, I made some changed to the Nightmare section.