New to this

hey everyone, i came across this site looking for beyblade info and im surprised at how many older people like beyblade, i don't feel as weird now. im 23 years old XD Ive always liked beyblade but i stopped playing for a while just cause all my friends stopped but were starting to play again. i made a metal masters dragoon XD. im old school i just don't like the new ones that much. im going to school for game design and im in the army reserves. that's pretty much all there is to me. if i tried to join a tournament do you think they'd let me?
Haha, it's always good to meet a plastic guy, there's a couple of threads you may find useful, therein my sig. Also, there's plastic parts disscussion and Q and A thread. There's tourneys by hasbro which have an age limit, but our tournamnets have no such limit.
kewl, i'll check those out. and how do your tournaments work?
yeah i have a hms dragoon. i still have my old beyblades too. dragoon g still kicks but XD
wow, what other plastics you got? Just asking since you are talking about it. I know we should PM each other though.
Im also 23, feels good to know there are more plastic generation people joining. And yes you can enter any WBO tournament. We have no age limits. Also we offer combo help in Build Me a Combo #2. If you ever need anything feel free to PM me. And thank you for serving our country.
(Feb. 16, 2012  6:43 PM)foxdieseeko Wrote: yeah i have a hms dragoon. i still have my old beyblades too. dragoon g still kicks but XD

Gaia dragoon? Or the normal, you can fetch wuite abit of dough nowdays for dragoon MS.
Wow that goes to show you how fun this is. Lol. I thought I was old being twenty and bladeing but that's not the case at any age beyblades are fun for everyone. One of the younger Beyiors Pledge is only ten.
and i'm in the middle at 19. ._. almost 20. almost.. haha.
i still wish i had some of my plastics. i had a dragoon of some sorts. Uncertain
Hi and Welcome to the WBO! Hope you enjoy!
Welcome to the WBO!
Have a great time here.