New to Competitive Scene (Advice)

Hi, I'm new to the WBO scene. I'm getting back into beyblade after being fan of the original plastics and then metal but losing interest around the Burst era. This new X generation has got me back in and I'm curious on if I could get opinions on my first tournament deck I plan on using and if my combos are competitively viable. 

Horn Rhino

Tusk Mammoth

Soar Phoenix

Would love opinions on this deck. Also any opinions on different ratchets or bits to use as I am quite fond of the blades I've selected.
Welcome on! PM me if you have any other questions or are just lookin for a friend! For your Rhino, I probably wouldn't recommend that combo, its way better on Attack stuff. Your Phoenix combo seems solid. I think the Mammoth combo is fine but not exactly sure since I don't have one. Hope this helps and hapi blading!
Rhino is one of the worst beys released so far it has terrible recoil and absolutely no use as a defense type bey, it is better for attack but not better than almost any of the attack type beys.