New Web mini series about Rock Leone and beybattles.

Check out my mini web tale series, about Rock Leone. You have to read, but
it's good for you and fun. I have 3 episodes up. ep 2 and 3 much better
quality than ep 1 because i was testing something. but bare with ep and
enjoy the other two, it has theme and end theme. A good storyline too.
a link to my youtube account, and click on playlist to see just leone's
tale vids and to see my other battle vids just look at all my vids. Also
my ms driger did something live, in it's first video, against aqaurio which
ill give the link too. it is hot. it happened couple more times, where in super
vortex stadium to went all the way around, but not record that. To find out what
"it" is watch driger match. (MS driger match)
Interesting, but this thread doesn't belong in they Customization forum..
This should have been posted in Your Creations.