My powerful combos

#- whole beyblade is outclassed, but still very good
+- recomended
*- some parts of this beyblade are outclassed
(4D) - This beyblade is part of the 4D system
=- my current beyblade combo
(4Ds)- Similar to the 4d system

Duo serpent 125 SWD (4D) =

Phantom Ionis X:D (4D) +

Duo Crown AD145 W2D (4D) *

Hell Horogium S130 WD #

Death Fox X:D (4D) +

Thermal Jupiter B:D *

Wing Aquario TR145 B (4D) *

Death Crown ED145 SB (4D)*

Basalt Ionis DF105 F

Screw Aries SW145[/b]

Those are my compeditive combos.

As we told you in your other topic, we have been testing combinations for ages here, so we know what needs mention and what does not. You also cannot post threads in the Beyblade Customizations forum if they are not accompanied by valid test results. If everybody just made claims without solid proof, we would not have the reputation we have.