My combos

My combos are: MF-L Death(from death queztalcoatl 125 RDF) Aquario(from hyper aquario 105 F) 230(from Flame Byxis 230 WD) WD(from Flame Byxis 230 WD) for Defence, Variares(from Variares D:D) 125(from death quetzalcoatl 125 RDF) R2F(from Galaxy Pegasus W105 R2F(I also use sometimes a ES from a Hasbro Flame Libra T125 ES who flattened and now has aggressive movements))for attack, and Phantom Orion B:D for stamina. Can you tell me if they are good combos(don't tell me about better parts, i know damn well there are better parts!!!). I use the 125 in default of CH120. And there is no need to tell anything about Phantom Orion(the only combo i know surpassing it is Scythe Kronos B:D). I will soon receive Diablo Nemesis X:D, and i thought including Diablo in my defence customization, being the heaviest fusion wheel(second being basalt). Is it a good idea??
Diablo is a good idea but why did you make this thread? And nearly everyone knows which parts you mean

ask your question bye radoom thougts or question get answer ( or which is the right thread?)

And if you don't want to know better combos why do you ask if this combos are good?
your defends combo is not defends, it's stamina combo, and not a good defense combo and not the best stamina combo
If you need someone to build combos for you, use Build Me A Combo!. If you want to talk about fun combos, use the Fun Combos thread.