My New Site - Pokemon Related!

Poll: Is it good?

Yes! It's Brilliant
Yeah, it's OK
Its bad but it'll work
Total: 100% 7 vote(s)
I've made a new site called the Storm Chasers. Feel free to join and tell me what you think! I'm BlitzBuizel on it. If you have any questions just PM me.
No that bad but still at first look it looks boring try to add some colourful background or something.
Banner looks quite bad to be honest, the image doesn't look very attractive and the positioning of it is quite messed up too. The name doesn't really suggest it has anything to do with Pokemon until you are actually on the site.
Try not to use all caps in forum category names and tag lines and so on. Don't take any of this the wrong way, it's just constructive criticism.

Also, I'd like to ask, why did you make your own forum?
As your a website genius, could you join, I make you an admin and you fix it up.

I made the forum for Pokemon Fans to have somewhere to talk and find out other member's friend code so they can battle.
Ah, sorry but I'm not really that free these days to take on a non-payed project. Sorry.

Also, there are a lot of other forums out there which serve the same purpose. E.g: Pokemon Community Forums,, Pokeboard, and so on. I suggets you just join one of those boards and share your interest in pokemon there.
Nah... I just love making websites and getting people to join and creating my own community.
Each to his own. Good luck with your forum.
Create some more topics abput pokemon like Fave pokemon or trading thread
Does anyone like the new size of the page or should I make it bigger again?
its fine by me
im an epic pkmn fan too
ive aubscribed

kuz that looks epic
You keep asking for more comments. I gave you suggestions and constructive comments and you haven't made any changes to suit them yet. This will go nowhere. I've seen this happen too many times.
The banner needs more work on it. Try asking someone on this site to do it for you. Also the capital letters makes the forum look messy.

Well I might join the forum just to help out a bit.
would join but cant no email Crying
(Aug. 18, 2011  6:04 PM)Gasher Master Wrote: would join but cant no email Crying
You need a E-mail to join this site!!!
P.S You made the site just like the WBO.