My Master Yi Build

Master Yi Build

1. Dorans shield

2.berserkers grieves or mercurys treads if they have lots of disablers

3. phantom dancer

4.phantom dancer

(sell your dorans shield at this time)

phantom dancer

youmoos ghostblade

frozen mallet if you are doing average, warmogs armor if you are sucking, infinity ege, bloodthrister, or black cleaver if you are blowing them away.

at this time you should have 100% critical strike chance!

summoner spells: ghost and ignite

runes: armor penetration attack damage and attack speed

hope this helps
Why don't u use the league of legends thread...look around
I made that thread, it went unnoticed.
(Jan. 04, 2011  2:19 PM)RedRivers Wrote: I made that thread, it went unnoticed.

Use it.