My Beyblade designs

Poll: What y'all think?

It's great! should make more.
It's good, could be better.
My eyes!!!!!! Owww!!!!!!!
Total: 100% 8 vote(s)
I decided to make a thread with my beyblade designs, tell me what y'all think.

The pics did not upload right, so just go to my Deviantart account here>


Wow, that really sucks, I figured they would work, I uploaded them to Deviantart.
Some photos uploaded using Devianart won't appear to a lot of people. Uncertain
Oh, well check my Deviantart Channel to see them, here is the link.

I think the problem might be that they are PDF files, I am not sure though, correct me.
Thank you Psylent, I will post more to my deviantart account some other time.

I kinda made the design based on the Saramanda Face as you may tell by the eye on the face.
Oh that's cool, I seriously need to bust out my old crinkled up huge sketchbook for designs. I had something extra special planned for my Zero-G Beyblade. Eee