My Beyblade Fan Series: Mecha Sentoki Beyblade Mods (Episodes In Other Thread)

So excited! Suzme will appear in either 16 or 15!
Yeah don't worry I will try do it as quick as I can, remind me again is Suzme suppose to be the comedic one of the team?
(Nov. 26, 2014  12:56 AM)JinbeeTheShark Wrote: Yeah don't worry I will try do it as quick as I can, remind me again is Suzme suppose to be the comedic one of the team?
Yup and very kind as well but not a wimp
Oh okay thanks! Now I know what to write.
I'd love to see other characters fight each other.
Don't worry, I'll try get to those in a bit, I am actually looking forward to doing the episode with Suzme, I have plans for that episode...
Beyblade Mecha Sentoki Episode 12
episode is so long and it's engaging! but who's Hunter? is he in the poster?
I have an announcement, unless you already seen HolyPhoenix5's thread, me and her/him agreed on doing a crossover episode soon, with my Mecha Sentoki Beyblade and Her Beyblade RPM Gyro series, but I told her once her series develops enough. It's hopefully a special episode but since I probably have to send numerous drafts, agree on ideas and stuff like that, it may take long. Not to mention it's writing style. All this is done in PM so it won't be too quick.

Anyways I hope to get the Crossover episode done soon.
awesome! i can't wait to start, can't wait for episode 13 as well!
I read Episode 12 and it was very good. I'm glad Nagisa was the one that saved the day (especially because Nagisa is my character).
Well it couldn't always be Kenichi right? Ha!
Anyways, I cannot wait for the crossover episode! By the way, are you still making Beyblades?
Yeah, I still do, I just didnt have the time yet.
hey, when we do the crossover,what should be the plot? I pm'ed you an idea for one.
Well I'm not sure just yet, so I'll have a think about that. For now, just show me your other characters when you do more episodes.
sure! this may not be a canon episode to any of our series, but we shall see later.
Okay, anyhow, I'm working on Episode 13 so expect it today or maybe tomorrow, I'm not sure.
Here's Dranzyan Drigers request:

[Image: 35hrb4p.jpg]

[Image: 24n2sn6.jpg]

This Beyblade is in the 'Special Bottom' series with the bottom, 'Ridge Survivor'.
that's cool! It looks really tall but I think the wheel is pretty sweet!
Thans jinbee Grin exactly how I wanted it.
Thank you, that makes me feel good Smile
I finally did episode 13:

Beyblade Mecha Sentoki Episode 13