Minecraft Trolling | Post your minecraft troll stories here!

Well first, what is trolling? Trolling is where you pull pranks on people online (Most trolling is online) for this any minecraft trolling is good, be sure to show how to do the trolling and what victims it works best on, so get your creative ideas going and trolololloololool!!!

to narrow all my posts on this, all my trolling will be put here :)
1.Get op, then check to see if the server has punishmental plugin, then /p all potato and all the players will turn into potatoes!!!

2. on capture the flag and I punched out the block my teamate was standing on (It was one of those narrow dirt bridges) and watch as the chat says "[Player] Fell to an untimely death"

3. if you can use command blocks simply put /say @a some random words and watch as it spams the entire server!

4. get op, use punishmental plugin and do /p all fall and watch as all the players on the server spam "ARRRRRRGGGHHHHH" and "*splat*" and "[player] fell from a high place"

that's all the trolls I have for today, and if you destroy servers, don't forget to undo all of it and say "trolllollololololol you've been trolled"

*nobody on servers were annoyed or trolled in the process of this thread :)"
Firstly, there's already a Minecraft thread. Secondly, trolling is usually frowned upon, especially in Minecraft and I certainly know it doesn't deserve its own thread of you posting your stories of annoying other people.