
Now the metroid series is a very good one. My favourite is Fusion because one of the enemies you face is you in your powerful form and if you encounter it it'll kick your carp. The whole story and gameplay in Fusion was also very good. Give your input.
I recently got Metroid Prime 3: Corruption and I'm loving it so far. Other than that, I've only played a bit of an old one on a emulator and Fusion at a mall lol. Also the Hunters Demo that came with DS.
I'm thinking about getting both Prime and Echoes some day, if I can find them. Just scared of the controls though. I'm not the best at aiming on fps games using a regular controler and after being so used to the Wii-mote, it'll probably feel a lot tougher.

I defeated Ghor yesterday and now came back to Bryyo to search for more weapon/suit, etc, upgrades/expansions. I'll be going back to Norion to explore some more for new stuff and then move on to check the GFS Valhalla, as I was told to.

This game, like TP, works great using the Wii-mote. Just had to switch the Fire and Jump buttons around, feels a lot more natural to shoot with B.
I'm liking how much there is to explore too and all the expansions/upgrades you can get at it.
So far the toughest bosses were the Monegar and Rundas. Loved the fight vs Meta Ridley while falling down that freaking long shaft, even if it wasn't a hard one.

Only thing that is sucking right now is not having Wi-Fi to get Friend Vouchers to buy the Bonus stuff. Also sucks that I'd only be able to get them from someone who also has the PAL version.

EDIT: Forgot to mention the awesome music throughout the game, it really sets the mood <3 And the title screen music is epic.
I like the simpler things about Metroid 3 the best.

Pushing levers, twisting knobs, and the like - pretty much anything that involves me mimicking Samus' hand is pretty fun.
Finished this yesterday (or today since it was past midnight) with 100% pickups and got the 2 extended endings. Dark Samus was easy, but I had trouble with AU 313, especialy in the head part. I didn't get all the scans though, but there were very few left.
I was wondering what the ship you see at the end going after Samus is, like if it has appeared before in other Metroid games, etc.