Metal Fight Beyblade: Everything you need to know!

I see my error, I thought the drawn blade was Pisces but the wheel is the sign for cancer. My bad.
Quetzalcoatl beyblade..I remember CoR having a concept of one..or was it someone else.

I'm glad to see they are finally making one.
yeah but i wanna see a closer look. i figured out what the types were already just didn't kno the names of the two
(Aug. 06, 2008  1:59 PM)flashfox Wrote: Quetzalcoatl beyblade..I remember CoR having a concept of one..or was it someone else.

I'm glad to see they are finally making one.

haha, i remember this too
hmmm..i like the sound of that blade
(Aug. 06, 2008  1:19 PM)Kai-V Wrote:
(Aug. 05, 2008  5:22 PM)Kai-V Wrote: (Assuming everybody knows how to go to the Metal Fight Beyblade page ... Otherwise, b_newbey.html)

I noticed this chart showed two other beyblades. I am convinced they are Wolf (second red Track and Bottom) and Libra (green parts).

Does anyone have a magnifying glass ? We could know for sure what their names are.
So, those two beyblades are not Wolf or Libra. They are actually Quetzalcoatl 090WF (Wide Flat) and Cancer S125B (Ball). Quetzalcoatl is an Attack type while Cancer seems to be a Balance type.

Quetzalcoatl being a winged snake and being associated with Venus, which is observable in the sky, and the Limited Beyblade's Wheel obviously being similar to Cancer's, I think the Limited Beyblade could be a mix of both.

Awesome. Quetzalcoatl sounds awesome.
...wait, Wide Flat? Like Leo's Bottom, but Flat?
I just can't find the metal fight beyblade link on that site. evry time i look all i can find is the tokyo toy show pictures of the mfb. can someone please show me where the link is to the page with quetzalcoatl and cancer on that site.
(Aug. 06, 2008  3:16 PM)trueblader Wrote: I just can't find the metal fight beyblade link on that site. evry time i look all i can find is the tokyo toy show pictures of the mfb. can someone please show me where the link is to the page with quetzalcoatl and cancer on that site.

Add this part at the end of the link: /b_newbey.html

You'll have to look closely at the first picture. There's a chart with new parts.
(Aug. 06, 2008  2:57 PM)Grey Wrote: Awesome. Quetzalcoatl sounds awesome.
...wait, Wide Flat? Like Leo's Bottom, but Flat?

Just imagine Flat Bottom, except wider. I assume that it will be exponentially faster.
Quetz is gonna be ballin as junk. Faster and shorter than Peg. I love how the wheel looks too.
I still haven't ordered mine. I have no money Pinching_eyes.
Quetz will be WAY too fast for its own good, use Draciel F and use a normal spin gear to see what i mean, it has a WF tip if u do....But i like the cancer beyblade.

PS: Cancer is a Crab right?
yes cancer is a crab. you can barely see the pic of cancer, how can u say u like it when that might not even be the release model. looks to me like someone trying to take ideas from brad...right Raiyu?
(Aug. 06, 2008  4:34 PM)Gotruto Wrote: Quetz will be WAY too fast for its own good, use Draciel F and use a normal spin gear to see what i mean, it has a WF tip if u do....But i like the cancer beyblade.

PS: Cancer is a Crab right?

Grip Attacker's BB is nice. Wide grip. Rubber tip. This is a good example of a wide, flat tip.

Hopefully a rubber version will be released sometime later.
(Aug. 06, 2008  4:40 PM)boh Wrote: yes cancer is a crab. you can barely see the pic of cancer, how can u say u like it when that might not even be the release model. looks to me like someone trying to take ideas from brad...right Raiyu?

???, i cant like a beyblade that seems defencive and has a Ball tip?...
Cancer's bottom is titled "B" in the shortcut, just as Wolf's is. Might Wolf eventually have no bearing, but a ball-shaped tip, too?
(Aug. 06, 2008  5:07 PM)Gotruto Wrote:
(Aug. 06, 2008  4:40 PM)boh Wrote: yes cancer is a crab. you can barely see the pic of cancer, how can u say u like it when that might not even be the release model. looks to me like someone trying to take ideas from brad...right Raiyu?

???, i cant like a beyblade that seems defencive and has a Ball tip?...

what the carp r u talking about? u said u like the cancer beyblade and i said how could u like a beyblade that kno one can barely see. :dude, u come up with random questions, get with the programAngry
Cancer? Quetz? Where are you guys getting this stuff?
It seems that I've fallen behind. Anyone want to link me please?
Oh, yea. They're probably some new MFBeyblades. I'm kinda lost too so a link would be nice
Jesus guys, go back one page.

Everything is there.
Oh, Im sorry Roan. I couldn't keep up with all your posts. ^^;;
(Aug. 06, 2008  6:02 PM)boh Wrote:
(Aug. 06, 2008  5:07 PM)Gotruto Wrote:
(Aug. 06, 2008  4:40 PM)boh Wrote: yes cancer is a crab. you can barely see the pic of cancer, how can u say u like it when that might not even be the release model. looks to me like someone trying to take ideas from brad...right Raiyu?

???, i cant like a beyblade that seems defencive and has a Ball tip?...

what the carp r u talking about? u said u like the cancer beyblade and i said how could u like a beyblade that kno one can barely see. :dude, u come up with random questions, get with the programAngry
Its Wheel is very visible on the official website. Also, people can like a beyblade because of its abilities ...
yes, but that Gotruto guy come up with so many random questions that's the reason brad gave him a negative reputation, not tryin to be mean or anything
(Aug. 06, 2008  7:22 PM)boh Wrote: yes, but that Gotruto guy come up with so many random questions that's the reason brad gave him a negative reputation, not tryin to be mean or anything

Yes, you were trying to be mean. Tired
Yes, Gotruto comes up with random questions (no offense), but you also came up with really out-there ideas not too long ago. You shouldn't criticize others where you have no place (or reason) to.

(btw, Brad gave him that rep because Gotruto didn't follow "advice". Correct me if I'm wrong, but that has nothing to do with asking random questions. :\)

Anyways, I almost hope that Wolf doesn't have a Ball Bearing, since Cancer already does. Maybe B just stands for Bearing, as in any kind of bearing tip...?