Metal Fight Beyblade: Everything you need to know!

EDIT: Damn, I want that Limited Edition one! I hope we get some kind of version of it.
...y'know, it reminds me of what we thought was "Pisces". Odd.

Wow, Pegasis is awesome. I kinda like it.
I wish we could've seen more of Bull, though.

Hey, has anyone noticed this, besides me? Anyone noticed that they competely screwed up the Beyblade Types? It's on this page:

Grey Wrote:...hey, has anyone noticed this, besides me? Anyone noticed that they competely screwed up the Beyblade Types? It's on this page:

They did not mess up the types. The boosters come with different Tracks and Bottoms, so it affects the types.
The booster versions have different tracks and bottoms than the starters.

Those are booster stats.
wow that's kind of funny.
SexyMichael Wrote:The booster versions have different tracks and bottoms than the starters.

Those are booster stats.

EDIT: nm. It's weird, though, Pegasis being a Defense type.
Kai-V Wrote:
bugturtles Wrote:Holy carp I am definitely going to buy that if I can.
I am not sure we will be able to buy this new beyblade.

Hopefully it pops-up on YJA like how the other limiteds do.
what does the WBBA stands for on the poster?
hey, i don't think Brad knos about this yet, but he'll find out, he be supprised
johny = monkey king Wrote:what does the WBBA stands for on the poster?
World BBA.
Kai-V Wrote:
johny = monkey king Wrote:what does the WBBA stands for on the poster?
World BBA.

As in, World Beyblade Battle Association. They probably changed it because the BBA tended to the first generations of Beyblade.
oooow.... u kno what i just found out, why haven't they show a real image of Pisces n Aquarius? The limited edition beyblade was shown today but they didn't sketched it
johny = monkey king Wrote:oooow.... u kno what i just found out, why haven't they show a real image of Pisces n Aquarius? The limited edition beyblade was shown today but they didn't sketched it

And, like I pointed out, the Limited Edition blade looks a lot like what we thought was Pisces.
johny = monkey king Wrote:oooow.... u kno what i just found out, why haven't they show a real image of Pisces n Aquarius? The limited edition beyblade was shown today but they didn't sketched it
It is still only a 3D render picture. In a sense, it is as unreal as those two beyblades from the Bey Reshuffle Sets. Just wait.
is there any given name of this limited edition beyblade? what type do u think it might be?
The Pegasis Prototype popped up on YJA alot, so I'm pretty sure this will be up there. I just hope the price isn't ridiculous.
johny = monkey king Wrote:is there any given name of this limited edition beyblade? what type do u think it might be?
I have already written that they give no name. I would guess 'Dragon' though.

Its type is not given either.
johny = monkey king Wrote:is there any given name of this limited edition beyblade? what type do u think it might be?


Well, if it's anything like the "Pisces" that we saw earlier (like I keep pointing out), it'll probably be defense or stamina. It looks like it has some decent Upper-Attack, as well.
Currently, Pegasis seems to have the best wheel of all the MFB. I think it will work exceptionally well in all categories. Stamina, Defense, Attack, and Balance.
i think the wheel kinda looks like wolf nut without the spike. guess their almost out of ideas. it would be so cool to see a rc MFB
johny = monkey king Wrote:i think the wheel kinda looks like wolf nut without the spike. guess their almost out of ideas. it would be so cool to see a rc MFB

Or they are just building upon their best ideas.
[Image: Wolf1.jpg]

[Image: wbba_img.jpg]

They barely look similar at all. I'd say Bull is more similar to the new one than Wolf is.
even if they're out of ideas, i'm still suprise that their bringing beyblade back. Out of every other toys they could of revive, it was beyblade. we just have to hope it will last longer than the previous ones
On that note, I want the stadium that they are using. If that comes with the Beybattle Try Set then I'm sold.


I was thinking of the Pegasus DX Set, which does come with that stadium.
Synesthesia Wrote:On that note, I want the stadium that they are using. If that comes with the Beybattle Try Set then I'm sold.
I think the stadiums are the same if you are talking about the transparent one.