Metal Fight Beyblade: Everything you need to know!

Doubtful that they will get damaged since the Wheel is fully made out of metal, im hoping that we dont get stickers though to put on, would be great if they somehow printed the designs onto the Metal.
I never really got into the HMS series, but i doubt they'll break easily since the attack rings are full metal as opposed to semi-metal with plastic parts.

EDIT: Sega beat me to it.
yeah, that's true but i think it's going to be both. some of the pictures i see looks like they painted some parts but from a japanese web, i saw stickers for them. i'm not really sure
boh978 Wrote:yeah, that's true but i think it's going to be both. some of the pictures i see looks like they painted some parts but from a japanese web, i saw stickers for them. i'm not really sure
I do not think there are going to be stickers.
there's haven't been alot of MFB actions lately but 1. that sucks, because on, the starter for leo(ne) have been sold out. the price was only about $13.00 because it didn't come with the beypointer. but on, it has a note saying it does come with a beypointer for every starter's. Really, what's going to be fun with the beypointer anyways, i kno what they should of done, they should make a remote control version of the MFB Joyful_2
Kai-V Wrote:I do not think there are going to be stickers.
I hope so. Those stickers where fun at first but they just got annoying after a while and besides paint looks way better, and it's more durable.
The Stickers were carp annoying, specailly over time when they would just fall off when they feel like it.
but sooner or later, the paints are going to ware off just like a picture from this web:
boh978 Wrote:but sooner or later, the paints are going to ware off just like a picture from this web:
Well, it really depends on the quality of the paint being used. I still have some painted toys from when i was a kid and the paint on most of them are not worn out at all.
They're not even the final product aswell.
No stickers please ugh

They get damaged and beat up and worn and it looks very very ugly.

I want Takara-Tomy to come up with a MFB paint kit or something. Or at least something to strip away their paint colors.
Yeah i'd like to see alot more customisation options rather than just switching parts, maybe the new blades will come blank or something and they will release Paint Kits or something that would be great, or have different sticker decals for blades.
That custom paint idea would be awsome! It would make things more diverse and personalized of course, but i'm happy with the MFB's original colors thus far. However i think if we did have custom paint kits i would try to give Libra a gold and silver color scheme with the outer part of the AR ring gold and inner part silver, and if i ever got my hands on Leo i'de give it brown or red tips on the edges of the attack ring.
I'd rather just use spray or hobby paint rather than stick to a MFB-kit, now. Much more options.
Yeah but would it be legal tourny wise? I dunno i really like the idea of having custom decals for certain blades, sounds pretty awesome.

But i mean with the Kits coming out theres different variations of the blades, some are like different colors and so on.
the funny thing is, their making these new blades lookin all cool in all but they don't kno how serious it can easily get damage.
Oh yeah Takara-Tomy updated the MFB page a little bit, well not the front page but the stuff about the tournament and so on.
boh978 Wrote:but sooner or later, the paints are going to ware off just like a picture from this web:
Hah. This is actually BB-00 Pegasus Prototype. It is event exclusive. It is meant to be only silver.

For the pictures where the blade is red/orange and yellow, as Brad mentioned some pages back, J'sw painted them himself.

Sega Wrote:Oh yeah Takara-Tomy updated the MFB page a little bit, well not the front page but the stuff about the tournament and so on.
We know.
yeah, can u tell me alittle about that or do u understand it? it make not come out to be true but i think the metal fight beyblade ds will come out on july 21, 2008. cause if u go to hudson, they'll be a date next to the game.
boh978 Wrote:yeah, can u tell me alittle about that or do u understand it? it make not come out to be true but i think the metal fight beyblade ds will come out on july 21, 2008. cause if u go to hudson, they'll be a date next to the game.
No. That is the date for the next World Hobby Fair event.

Seriously, Hudson Soft's page says nothing.
Sega Wrote:Yeah but would it be legal tourny wise? I dunno i really like the idea of having custom decals for certain blades, sounds pretty awesome.

But i mean with the Kits coming out theres different variations of the blades, some are like different colors and so on.

I would like to think that the previous rules about painting are still in play (you can paint, just don't add significant weight etc). I don't think you can dye these, so the only way is to paint.

Excited. These designs aren't half-assed. They seem very promising.
Kai-V, u seem to kno alot about what's going on.. hahaha. can u tell me more about Leo(ne). like, why does the color of this beyblade keeps changing . what's is the color really supposed to be?
boh978 Wrote:Kai-V, u seem to kno alot about what's going on.. hahaha. can u tell me more about Leo(ne). like, why does the color of this beyblade keeps changing . what's is the color really supposed to be?
I visit websites and can read some Japanese ... That is the only reason.

As for Leone's colours, the colour change is also applied to Pegasus, Bull, Sagittario and Wolf. Starters and Boosters have different colours. Essentially, the Wheels are the same and Leone's real Track and Bottom are white.
Kai-V, if u don't mind, can u tell me alittle bit about what's going on the upcoming hobby fair. What will they repsent for the MFB, is it the ds game?
boh978 Wrote:Kai-V, if u don't mind, can u tell me alittle bit about what's going on the upcoming hobby fair. What will they repsent for the MFB, is it the ds game?
It will be the Point Battle Challenge. Basically, elementary school kids will battle and record points on their Beypointers.

Hudson Soft might present the Nintendo DS game, however they already had two dates before to do so as well ...

You can ask me other questions by private message, unless you judge that other people really do not know about it already.