Metal Fight Beyblade DS

How do you/when do you shoot? Confused
(Mar. 28, 2009  11:20 AM)Giga Wrote: How do you/when do you shoot? Confused

When the countdown is about to begin the bottom screen shows two doors opening and presents a smallish teal colored rectangle. Then you proceed to scribble back and forth to charge up a meter; scribbling at a diagonal line from bottom left to top right works best.Once the countdown ends the blade automatically launches with the power you managed to acquire.
can someone please post pictures of ALL the owners
OMG Are me and you lot playing the same game cuz i enjoyed it.
(Mar. 28, 2009  4:01 PM)ZAK Wrote: i enjoyed it.

You...enjoyed this game? Gasp
(Mar. 28, 2009  4:01 PM)ZAK Wrote: OMG Are me and you lot playing the same game cuz i enjoyed it.

Like I said, fun for a short while, but not a game you can play for extended periods of time. Might also be because I don't know what the hell I am doing the entire time. I just tap parts of the screen until a battle comes up. I am sure if I knew what was going on and could follow the 'dialoue' (shallow as it may be) it would have been more fun.

It is still much better than that horrendous GBA beyblade game, but I don't think it is worth purchasing at MRSP.
I actually enjoyed the first GBA game. Which I guess is an idication that I'll prolly enjoy this, even if it is awful. ^^;
(Mar. 28, 2009  2:48 PM)blader9 Wrote: can someone please post pictures of ALL the owners

If you can give me a bit, sure.
When I first heard the shooting method, I knew it was going to suck.
(Mar. 28, 2009  7:34 PM)Bey Brad Wrote: When I first heard the shooting method, I knew it was going to suck.
It's a real pain, to scratch the screan.

(Mar. 28, 2009  2:48 PM)blader9 Wrote: can someone please post pictures of ALL the owners
Capricorn is in the game, but never used.
Pegasis (ginga)
Leone (Kyouya)
Bull (Benkei)
Sagittario (Kenta)
Libra (Hokuto)
Virgo (?)
Aquario (Blader 3)
Pices (Blader 1)
Aries (Blader 2)
Escolpio (Busujima)
Wolf (Daidoji)
LDrago (Ryuuga)
Quaz (Katoru)
It's better then the GBA games, I'll give it that much. It's a handheld game, you couldn't have expected much from it. It's still pretty good in my opinion. I like how you can use the touchscreen to battle and for launching. (I mean c'mon, how ELSE were you going to launch the game? Pressing one button repeatedly?)
(Mar. 28, 2009  9:12 PM)Raiyu Wrote: It's better then the GBA games, I'll give it that much. It's a handheld game, you couldn't have expected much from it.

yeah there's never been an outstanding game for the nintendo ds, jeez guys what were you expecting?

Quote:(I mean c'mon, how ELSE were you going to launch the game? Pressing one button repeatedly?)

Pulling the winder straightly as fast as you can? Tracing a set pattern rather than just randomly scribbling in a box? Stop making excuses for it just because it's Beyblade-related!
(Mar. 28, 2009  9:21 PM)Bey Brad Wrote: yeah there's never been an outstanding game for the nintendo ds, jeez guys what were you expecting?
Nope, there has never been an outstanding game on the DS. All games have there faults. Like Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars. There was so much hype for that game, but some were disappointed, especially because there was lack of Wi-Fi. Tongue_out_wink

Quote:Pulling the winder straightly as fast as you can? Tracing a set pattern rather than just randomly scribbling in a box? Stop making excuses for it just because it's Beyblade-related!
You realize the size of the DS screen and a winder is very limited right?
(Mar. 28, 2009  9:31 PM)Raiyu Wrote: Nope, there has never been an outstanding game on the DS.

hahahaha get out

every game (everything ever produced by mankind actually) has its faults, and Chinatown Wars seems to be doing fairly well

(Mar. 28, 2009  9:31 PM)Raiyu Wrote: You realize the size of the DS screen and a winder is very limited right?

guessing you've never played Elite Beat Agents or Trauma Center, a method like i suggested is very very possible
(Mar. 28, 2009  9:34 PM)Bey Brad Wrote: hahahaha get out

every game (everything ever produced by mankind actually) has its faults, and Chinatown Wars seems to be doing fairly well
Most gamers don't trust reviews of any kind because either they are biased about what they're reporting or they just don't know what they're doing. IGN game Sonic & The Black Knight a 3.0 (it does suck but its not that bad) but they couldn't even add right because it was really a 6.9. Therefore, they have no clue what they're talking about. And I lol at the fact that G4 is even on there because they can't review for nothing either.

Quote:guessing you've never played Elite Beat Agents or Trauma Center, a method like i suggested is very very possible
But you're talking about pulling the rip cord "as fast as you can". And that would be even WORSE then just moving the stylus back and forth and damaging the touch screen. Moving it back and forth is nothing compared to what you do in The World Ends With You.
Glad to see you're speaking for "most gamers". I wasn't aware we had elected you to be our ambassador! IGN clearly states that their overall score is not an average, so they know how to add but evidently you don't know how to read. I'll be the first to admit that reviews are not the be-all end-all of gaming -- Phantom Hourglass got great reviews but I hated it -- but come on, to say there has never been an outstanding game for the DS is just absolutely wrong.

As for pulling it as fast as you can, yes, within a set template. It means you have to be accurate while still being quick. Admit it, if this wasn't a Beyblade game, you would say it's awful.
(Mar. 28, 2009  9:46 PM)Bey Brad Wrote: Glad to see you're speaking for "most gamers". I wasn't aware we had elected you to be our ambassador! IGN clearly states that their overall score is not an average, so they know how to add but evidently you don't know how to read. I'll be the first to admit that reviews are not the be-all end-all of gaming -- Phantom Hourglass got great reviews but I hated it -- but come on, to say there has never been an outstanding game for the DS is just absolutely wrong.

As for pulling it as fast as you can, yes, within a set template. It means you have to be accurate while still being quick. Admit it, if this wasn't a Beyblade game, you would say it's awful.

I'm going by what I have read or seen. If IGN weren't going by averages, there shouldn't be any numbers or at all, just a review. Therefore that is illiterate. And no, there hasn't been an outstanding game in my opinion. There have been good games, great games, awesome games, but outstanding games? On a handheld? You must be joking kind sir.

And about the "within the set template". That was never in your first quote so now you're just changing it up a bit. And does it matter if this wasn't a Beyblade game, I'd still say it was pretty good. Not an "outstanding game" as you'd call it or a game I'd keep playing for hours but its still a good game. And who're you to say that I would say a game is awful or not, you have no clue what kind of games I like or dislike so that adds nothing to this argument.
(Mar. 28, 2009  9:59 PM)Raiyu Wrote: I'm going by what I have read or seen. If IGN weren't going by averages, there shouldn't be any numbers or at all, just a review. Therefore that is illiterate.

Wait, what? So just because IGN doesn't average their individual scores into an overall, final score they are somehow illiterate? Are you even sure you know what the word "illiterate" means?

Raiyu Wrote:And no, there hasn't been an outstanding game in my opinion. There have been good games, great games, awesome games, but outstanding games? On a handheld? You must be joking kind sir.

Are you really going to sit here and argue semantics over adjectives? What really makes a difference between an "awesome" game or an "outstanding" game?

Raiyu Wrote:And who're you to say that I would say a game is awful or not, you have no clue what kind of games I like or dislike so that adds nothing to this argument.

The same could be said for yourself. Wink
I repeatedly said that it would be straight or tracing a set pattern. So, you're demonstrating your inability to read yet again.

No review sites use their overall as an average, simply because a game is not simply the sum of its parts. A terrible game is still a terrible game even if it looks great and has a good soundtrack.


It says "not an average" next to the score.

"Great games, awesome games, but no outstanding games?" How can you define vague, arbitrary words so strictly? Who's to say that an awesome game and an outstanding game aren't the same thing? What exactly qualifies as "outstanding" to you?

The DS has been heralded by so many critics to have some of the best games out there. I don't see how it being a handheld prevents it from having outstanding games. Is it the hardware limitations? Does that mean the SNES, N64, and PSone never had any outstanding games as well?

You should really just let it go. You're just flaunting your ignorance around.
Raiyu, you are aware that Illiterate means "can't read" right? Learn to Wikitionary.
(Mar. 28, 2009  10:08 PM)Bey Brad Wrote: I repeatedly said that it would be straight or tracing a set pattern. So, you're demonstrating your inability to read yet again.
Those were two different ideas totally, they were not one in the same since they were two separate answers by a question mark. Either that or you don't know punctuations.

Quote:"Great games, awesome games, but no outstanding games?" How can you define vague, arbitrary words so strictly? Who's to say that an awesome game and an outstanding game aren't the same thing? What exactly qualifies as "outstanding" to you?

I would also like to know, what is an outstanding game to you? You must have your standings way too low for them to be outstanding.

Quote:The DS has been heralded by so many critics to have some of the best games out there. I don't see how it being a handheld prevents it from having outstanding games. Is it the hardware limitations? Does that mean the SNES, N64, and PSone never had any outstanding games as well?
But we're not talking about the best, we're talking about outstanding games remember? And hardware limitations have nothing to do with it. Its limited to what you can do it with it, or what they can do with a game.

This is straying from the main topic of this thread and I do apologize to those out there. Sorry for my "ignorance" as some people call it but I merely stated my opinion on the game.


STOP :protarget: ING
(Mar. 28, 2009  10:21 PM)Raiyu Wrote: And hardware limitations have nothing to do with it. Its limited to what you can do it with it, or what they can do with a game.

what does this even mean


STOP :protarget: ING


Also, have you ever picked up a DS? Go get one. Also, get Metroid Prime Hunters. Pay for it, don't steal it, people don't like that generally. Do it. Now. I'll wait.......


Good. Now, open the DS and the case to the game, and put in Metroid Prime Hunters. Turn it on. Take out the stylus. Use the stylus to click the button that says The World Ends with You. Good! Play it. Come back in a few hours. Tell us that handhelds can't have outstanding games, I dare you