Megablader2's plastic and HMS selling thread

I've lost interest and have decided to sell off most of my plastic collection and all of my HMS collection.


I am not selling any Metal fight beyblade/beyblade metal fusion so please do not ask for them.
I am not buying anything at the moment. Please don't try and sell me anything I was looking for a few months ago.
Don't spam
Pm me offers. Don't clog up the thread with them.
I am only selling what I have put up. Do not ask me if I am selling a blade that isn't in the Opening post. The answer will be no.
I will not tell you a price. You have to offer.
Don't be rude.


Master draciel
Master dranzer (slight sticker damage)
Kid dragoon x 2
Draciel s (Crystal version No green wide defence)
Dranzer V
Metal driger (Hasbro version)
Wolborg 4
Zeus (takara)
Zeus (Hasbro)
Dragoon V (Missing some stickers 1 on attack ring and no bit chip sticker)
Metal dranzer
Metal draciel (Sticker wear + no bit chip sticker)
Dragoon G

Rare beys
Guardian driger (takara clear blue version)

Dark gargoyle
Jiraiya ms (sticker mint condition)
Phantom fox ms (Green recolour rare)

Blue Grand Ketos

Other things
Prices depends on how much you buy
If you ask for pictures I will take some for you.
I live in the UK.
I have not put down the condition of all of them because it would take ages and I have things to do. If you are wondering about the condition of a blade PM me your questions.
I have Dranzer F NIB which I'm looking to get rid of, and I also have like, a million of those Beybooster F red Dranzer Fs.

PM if you're interested!
I've got Dragoon MS, Samurai MS and Wolborg MS all NIB, and Magical Ape MS. PM me an offer if you're interested.
I've got a Strata Dragoon V I want the weight disk so you'll have to make do without it PM for an offer
i have dragoon ms
vortex ape and advance striker
pm for your offer
I've updated the list of what am I buying. If I am buying from anyone else now it won't be for a few months.
I am selling stuff now too.
£40 is a lot of money, but it's a good deal since your selling the rest for 15 a piece
Yeah that's the point you save £15 than if you bought them all individually. Anyway some bought a lot off me for £40 last week.
IM selling voltex ape 2 bucks for it!(by the way my sd tip broke)
can somebody pm me if you are selling the following beyblades:
dranzer g
dranzer gt
dragoon v
dragoon v2
driger v
draciel v
draciel g
dragoon gt
black dranzer
any of the strata or gaia dragoons

Thank you Grin
(Jul. 18, 2010  4:46 PM)beyboy786 Wrote: can somebody pm me if you are selling the following beyblades:
dranzer g
dranzer gt
dragoon v
dragoon v2
driger v
draciel v
draciel g
dragoon gt
black dranzer
any of the strata or gaia dragoons

Thank you Grin

Hardly the place to put this, you should make a thread titled [Buying] Plastics, and use that. If it has nothing to do with selling Megablader2 a beyblade he needs or buying one then don't post it here.
I'm also selling vortex ape.
You can see the images from my selling topic if you are interested.
Updated what i'm selling. I am no longer buying anything.
i am looking to buy either flash leopard or vortex ape. pm me if you are selling either one.
I've got flash leopard 2 but that's it out of those blades.
Most of them are.
bump selling these very cheap since I want to get rid of them.
What sort of condition is the Galeon in?
Mint condition. Pm me if your interested.