MF Quetzalcoatl CH120RF

Been getting some really interesting results with this recently.
The main problem with it seems to be similar to that of MF Lightning CH120RF, the recoil can be extremely high causing multiple double KO's.
Looking past this however, the rest of the results are fairly promising.

Test 1: MF Quetzalcoatl CH120RF VS MF Virgo C145WB (beylauncher)
MF Virgo was launched as would be expected, at roughly 80%, while Quetzalcoatl was launched using the banking technique. This may sound odd, but this was something I wanted to test purely to see how much of a difference sliding shoot actually makes.
One thing that I noticed whilst banking, was that RF didn't self KO anywhere near as much, particularly with CH120 and not a lower track.

1. Quetz
2. Double KO
3. Virgo (Outspin)
4. Quetz
5. Virgo (Outspin)
6. Quetz
7. Quetz
8. Virgo (Outspin)
9. Quetz
10. Quetz

Quetzalcoatl: 6
Virgo: 3
Double KO: 1

Test 2: MF Quetzalcoatl CH120RF VS MF Virgo C145WB (sliding shoot)
Although this probably requires multiple tests, and it'd be brilliant to get some results from those of you who are able to do the same test, the difference is quite a large one.

1. Quetz
2. Virgo (Outspin)
3. Virgo (self out)
4. Double KO
5. Double KO
6. Double KO
7. Quetz
8. Virgo (KO)
9. Quetz
10. Quetz

Quetzalcoatl: 4
Virgo: 3
Double KO: 3

After playing around with the combo for roughly an hour now, the results seem to be fairly consistent, the win rate was considerably higher when I was banking and not using sliding shoot with the light launcher.
I posted this here more than anything so that other people could test this out as well, as it'd be great to see other peoples results using this combination.
hmm well since I have all these parts I would love to test this out soon. If I may ask what condition was your RF in? So when I test I can choose the right one.
The best results were with a less worn RF, just about broken in (essentially the same as what you'd use if you were just using Lightning CH120RF or Quetzalcoatl 90RF)
Interesting. This sounds like a pretty fun combo!

So have you compared these results to Lightning? I imagine it's a Flame/Thermal relationship, but just in case, i'll be digging through old threads to find tests of this with lightining to compare thois. WHo knows, maybe Quetz will knock Lightning out of the picture.
what are you talking about? They're both top tier attack wheels but lightning is more commonly used because it's much cheaper to buy. Also are you gonna test it against a stamina combo too?
Yes, but Quetz is still more powerful. It'd have the same effect that Quetz 100RF hason Storm100RF. You said it best yourself:

Quote:They're both top tier attack wheels but [Storm and] Lightning.... [are] more commonly used because... [they're] much cheaper to buy.
Biting my tongue a little bit here, but neither of you really seem to know what you're talking about, we're purely focusing on its potential against what is currently a top tier defense combo.
This isn't really a grounds for "random thoughts on the combo", and until we have an averaged set of results to compare against other combinations there isn't a point in comparing it to other combinations.
This isn't meant as a personal insult in any way, but we have members here who continually add to the beywiki and test combinations reliably, and it's this kind of information that we're trying to get.
Neither of you are these kind of members.
Quote:This isn't really a grounds for "random thoughts on the combo", and until we have an averaged set of results to compare against other combinations there isn't a point in comparing it to other combinations.
That wasn't a random thought. I was noting the potential of a repeat of a fairly significant advancement in attack type customization.
Geez, take the compliment.
Well it isn't really anything like the flame/thermal relationship, I think flame has essentially been ruled out as a wheel choice for stamina all in all. We've seen better performances from earth, virgo, and now thermal, I think we can probably come to the conclusion that flame has been outperformed.
If anything it'd be the relationship between earth and thermal, but either way it isn't what we're here to talk about.

This isn't a case of Quetz 'knocking Lightning out of the picture', at this current point in time (until more testing is done on poison and Galaxy is released), the only three wheel considerations for myself attack wise would be Quetzalcoatl, Lightning, and Sagittario.
This is just another alternative combination, people will always be using standard wheels since not everyone can/will pay for blades like Quetzalcoatl.

Still, if we can just keep this to test results it'd be helpful.
So I gave this a bit of a run through against MF Earth Aquila C145WB since you used virgo. Overall I think this is a viable attack combo. Like MF Libra CH120RF it needs to win REALLY early in the math. The first 3ish seconds are crucial. A hard hit within that time frame gives you a very high chance of KO'ing the opponent unless the wall gets in the way.

After a bit of a warm up (since my RF skills are a little rusty) these are the general results I got

1. MF Earth Aquila C145WB
2. MF Quetzalcoatl CH120RF
3. MF Quetzalcoatl CH120RF
4. MF Earth Aquila C145WB
5. MF Quetzalcoatl CH120RF
6. MF Quetzalcoatl CH120RF
7.MF Quetzalcoatl CH120RF
8. MF Quetzalcoatl CH120RF (this looked like a lucky win, but still a plausible outcome)
9. MF Earth Aquila C145WB
10.MF Quetzalcoatl CH120RF

All wins by Quetz were by KO, and all wins by Earth Aquila were by Out-spin. Throughout the rest of my testing it was averaging 6ish wins out of every ten. A lot of its losses were either it did not connect hard enough in that crucial time period, or if it did the stadium wall was enough to knock MF Earth Aquila C145WB back into the centre.

I was obviously discounting the rounds where RF would just KO's itself. This combo relies heavily on Blader skill (like most RF combos) and shot technique plays an immense role in it's performance. I used banking since I tend to have a better win ratio with it over sliding shoot in general (when RF is involved)

tl;dr this combo is quite effective and is one we should look out for and test more.
my best combo is LIBRACH120RF
WILL RF ruined my libra i mean it get better or worest
Thank you Einstein for telling us a combo with a part that's been banned.

We know Libra CH120RF is good (Brad discovered it), but unless you have something constructive to post in this thread, don't post.
quetz 90 RF get beat easly by my libra ch120rf
quetz is a goood blade
the use lightning ldrago ch120RF
the soryy its supose to be then
it seems like a pretty good combo not including the high recoil. I LIKE IT!!! Smile
yeah its a good combo but isn't this the same mf lightning ldrago ch120rf combo but with quetz wheel
yeah but so what? The two wheels will have different performance.
Ashari i can't actually beleive you said that, did you even think of the weight differences and the fact that Quetz is an upper attack wheel.
Never Mind. Never noticed that someone had tested it already.....
(Aug. 17, 2010  3:39 PM)Quetzel Wrote: Has anyone tested Quetz 90RF against a top tier defense combo? If someone has PM me the results.

Wait, this thread is for MF Quezalcoatl CH120RF, not Quetzalcoatl 90RF, also, Quetzalcoatl 90RF is already a top-tier attack combo, with 60-80% winning rate aginst top-tier defense combos.
Flighty, just wondering how long does your Virgo spin for?