MF-H Diablo Bull ED145RF

Attack Tests
MF-H Diablo Bull ED145RF vs MF Beat Lyra H145XF

Diablo: 13 wins (all KO's)
Beat: 7 wins

[/align] Defense Tests
MF-H Diablo Bull ED145RF vs MF-F Basalt Aquario BD145CS

Diablo: 15 wins (all KO's)
Basalt: 5 wins (all KO's)
Stamina Tests
MF-H Diablo Bull ED145RF vs MF-F Phantom Cancer S130ES

Diablo: 10 wins
Phantom: 10 wins

Beat is not top-tier anymore, and with XF it sucks hard. GB145RF is better for it, with a MF. Or even better, use Flash.

Basalt is pretty outclassed by now, use Duo instead.

ES? Really? No, just no. Use AD145WD, or TH170D or something better.

You didn't list any conditions at all, and even against those combos the win rate isn't very impressive, which doesn't say much for it. This is only a slight proof of what Diablo can normally do anyways.
This is a known Diablo combo with a different track, you've got no concept, the tests are poor, and the format is annoying.

Closing this.