/|/ MF-H Basalt Kerbecs E230RDF \|\
Hey everyone! It's been a while since a customization thread was thread, since I posted one, and especially since one was posted in standard customizations. Not only is this thread for a terrific combo, but a revival of a part long forgotten in this format -- Basalt.
The Concept??
Well, it'd almost be easier to say what it doesn't do, but I'll post what it's supposed to do and does quite effectively. It's an amazing defender, a decent destabilizer, and also a decent anti-spin equalizer. It utilizes its use of Basalt which has such a small diameter and E230 with such a large diameter. Barely any metal contact is made with 145 and below customizations. E230 receives most of the hits causing the opposing bey to lose spin quicker because metal recoil causes more loss than plastic would, especially since E230 is so smooth. RDF is there for the great defense it provides, but also the precession ability which not only helps against spin equalizers, but also at grinding on the opponent since RDF's shape allows it to make contact at awesome angles. Kerbecs was chosen because of its weight, but also because I personally use it with Basalt in all defense combos. Since Kerbecs is three sided, one of the larger sides sits over the staircase of death, pep fully balancing it out somewhat. I'm not really sure if it does. Aquario, Bull, and other clear wheels can also be used.
Also, why Basalt over Duo? Basalt is heavier and is smaller in diameter, 'nuff said.
Enough explanation? I hope. If not, post questions and I will answer the best I can.
The Tests
For lazy purposes, I'm just gonna call the combo this thread is discussing Basalt since none of the combos I test against will use it.
Vs. Stamina
Basalt vs. Duo Cancer W145WD
Basalt: 10 wins (All OS)
Duo: 0 wins
Basalt vs. Duo Cancer 230D
Basalt: 0 wins
Duo: 10 wins (All OS)
Basically since all the metal contact was made, Basalt didn't really stand a chance against tall opponents such as Duo 230D.
Vs. Attack
Basalt vs. MF-H Flash Orion GB145R2F
Basalt: 15 wins (All OS)
Flash: 5 wins (All KO)
Basalt vs. Bahamdia Dragooon BD145RF
Basalt: 14 wins (All OS)
Bahamdia Dragooon: 6 wins (All KO)
Basalt vs. Wyvang Dragooon SA165LRF
Basalt: 12 wins (All OS)
Wyvang Dragooon: 8 wins (All KO)
As the height got higher, the KOs occurred more because there was a lot more metal on metal contact.
Vs. Spin Equalizers
Basalt vs. Wyvang Dragooon BD145RDF
Basalt: 10 wins (All OS)
Wyvang Dragooon: 10 wins (All OS)
Honestly, that's all I have for this section, I would really appreciate it if someone would test against F230 spin equalizers. I don't have high hopes, but I don't have a good F230 to try it.
Suggest what else to test against and please supply your own. I will do some more the next few days when I can. I will add tests against defense and more attack especially in a couple days since I will be busy.
Hey everyone! It's been a while since a customization thread was thread, since I posted one, and especially since one was posted in standard customizations. Not only is this thread for a terrific combo, but a revival of a part long forgotten in this format -- Basalt.
The Concept??
Well, it'd almost be easier to say what it doesn't do, but I'll post what it's supposed to do and does quite effectively. It's an amazing defender, a decent destabilizer, and also a decent anti-spin equalizer. It utilizes its use of Basalt which has such a small diameter and E230 with such a large diameter. Barely any metal contact is made with 145 and below customizations. E230 receives most of the hits causing the opposing bey to lose spin quicker because metal recoil causes more loss than plastic would, especially since E230 is so smooth. RDF is there for the great defense it provides, but also the precession ability which not only helps against spin equalizers, but also at grinding on the opponent since RDF's shape allows it to make contact at awesome angles. Kerbecs was chosen because of its weight, but also because I personally use it with Basalt in all defense combos. Since Kerbecs is three sided, one of the larger sides sits over the staircase of death, pep fully balancing it out somewhat. I'm not really sure if it does. Aquario, Bull, and other clear wheels can also be used.
Also, why Basalt over Duo? Basalt is heavier and is smaller in diameter, 'nuff said.
Enough explanation? I hope. If not, post questions and I will answer the best I can.
The Tests
For lazy purposes, I'm just gonna call the combo this thread is discussing Basalt since none of the combos I test against will use it.
Vs. Stamina
Basalt vs. Duo Cancer W145WD
Basalt: 10 wins (All OS)
Duo: 0 wins
Basalt vs. Duo Cancer 230D
Basalt: 0 wins
Duo: 10 wins (All OS)
Basically since all the metal contact was made, Basalt didn't really stand a chance against tall opponents such as Duo 230D.
Vs. Attack
Basalt vs. MF-H Flash Orion GB145R2F
Basalt: 15 wins (All OS)
Flash: 5 wins (All KO)
Basalt vs. Bahamdia Dragooon BD145RF
Basalt: 14 wins (All OS)
Bahamdia Dragooon: 6 wins (All KO)
Basalt vs. Wyvang Dragooon SA165LRF
Basalt: 12 wins (All OS)
Wyvang Dragooon: 8 wins (All KO)
As the height got higher, the KOs occurred more because there was a lot more metal on metal contact.
Vs. Spin Equalizers
Basalt vs. Wyvang Dragooon BD145RDF
Basalt: 10 wins (All OS)
Wyvang Dragooon: 10 wins (All OS)
Honestly, that's all I have for this section, I would really appreciate it if someone would test against F230 spin equalizers. I don't have high hopes, but I don't have a good F230 to try it.
Suggest what else to test against and please supply your own. I will do some more the next few days when I can. I will add tests against defense and more attack especially in a couple days since I will be busy.