MAGIA - The Spellcaster's TCG

Poll: What do you think?

Not bad!
Meh, it's not really that good.
Total: 100% 14 vote(s)
(Sep. 15, 2011  11:31 PM)Odin Wrote:
(Sep. 14, 2011  10:28 PM)kolosos666 Wrote: even CREATE new cards

Good idea in theory, but there would need to be a system in place to stop overpowerful cards from being created, like text, "This card is not allowed to be used in official competitions" or something similar to that. The idea is not all that different from Limitation Text in Yu-Gi-Oh!.

Well no, the system i have in mind is more of a combining/alchemy thing so different things can be combined in a card so that it's DIFFERENT, but never overpowering.

Also i finished the Ignogan card list, and hopefully i'll have it posted in the thread by tonight!
FINALLY!!!! Done with the Ignogan card list. HOPEFULLY you'll like it, but personally i think i could've done a little better! Also, if you have any questions or are confused about something, feel free to ask and comment Joyful_3

Ignogan, prototype cards
Card list (Click to View)
Oh and just an update. When i first posted the Aqualibrium cards, i missed a lvl 30 enchantment. So here it is and i've also updated the lists with it:

Name: Tundra Surge
Description: The battlefield is struck by a severe hailstorm, and only the caster remains unhinged.
Effect: All schools except Aqualibrium have 5.000 less power.
AMAZING. I love the idea of creating cards. Plus, this would be pretty intense to play.
It'd make a great cartoon/anime, too!
(Sep. 18, 2011  4:21 AM)CyberBlader27 Wrote: AMAZING. I love the idea of creating cards. Plus, this would be pretty intense to play.
It'd make a great cartoon/anime, too!

Thanks, i'm really glad you like it! And yes, when i was brainstorming bout making a TCG i knew from the get-go i want something that's intense and fast paced, compared to most TCGs which are usually slow-paced.

And i hope to one day make an anime for it as well Joyful_3 And you can bet it'll be epic!
W00t! the thread has past the 1k views mark! AWESOME! It's but a small milestone to the TCG's success, but a milestone nonetheless.
BTW a small update to the rules and mechanics. I've decided it'll be less confusing and easier to add a separate type of enchantments called Environment Enchantments. I think you'll easily recognize who these are. Basically permanent(unless destroyed) enchantments that change the battlefield. They will have a specific spot on the playmat but other than that nothing else is changed in gameplay. And also i'm not sure i mentioned this before but how many manashields each attack spell breaks upon a perfect hit(NOT after overpowering a ward or a defense spell without any other defense) is determined by the spell's level.
Levels 0-9 = 1 manashield.
Levels 10-19 = 2 manashields.
Levels 20+ = 3 manashields.

As for Incantations, each incantation has a specific number of manashields it breaks upon a perfect hit, and it says on the card.

I hope this doesn't make the game alot more complicated and doesn't REDUCE from its awesomeness Grin Either way, i'd like to know your opinnion on this Grin
Well I do like the list, you have got my seal of approval Smile

And having an Environment Enchantment seperate to an Enchantment sounds like a good idea.
(Sep. 20, 2011  7:00 PM)Ultimate Wrote: Well I do like the list, you have got my seal of approval Smile

And having an Environment Enchantment seperate to an Enchantment sounds like a good idea.

Thanks, glad you like it, man! And yeah, i think it's a good idea too, but really it's just a classification, it doesn't affect the gameplay one bit!
The Terrakov school is next, I wonder what they'll be like.

That school isn't only Earth right? It's vegetation and life too imma right?

I would guess so cause it's color/colour is green.
Yeah, it's earth, rocks, trees and vegetation!