London Blader Looking for Challenges

I've just got back on the horse when it comes to blading. After a long leave of absence, thirteen years, I've just put in the order for some parts and a starter set.

Anyway, no one I know is into beyblading, I mean I'm 19 years old and go to university so I wouldn't even be comfortable asking. Anyone in the London Region that would be interested in letting me use them for target practice... I mean... a friendly bout of competition? My parts should be arriving at the beginning of February. I have some Burst beys and an old classic plastic bey. Seriously would love a game or two though .

Hey, there's already a thread for London. You could ask there instead Smile
I wasn't sure if that was just for tournies or something :p
Well, we cannot really promote personal/private meetups outside approved tournaments, for obvious safety reasons, so everything here is about approved events, yes.