LAD vs. Precession, and the combination of the two

Hey guys! Smile

People (including myself Tongue_out) Have been throwing the term LAD, for lack of a better word, around in discussions involving spin-equalizers lately. It has been used (incorrectly) to define the ability of a bottom to keep the combo standing up at very low spin velocity.

The term LAD means Life After Death, or the ability of a bey to continue spinning after it has fallen over. Therefore, if a tip can keep your combo standing upright for a very long time, even while it is spinning very slowly, then that's great, but you wouldn't say that it has high LAD.

Based on a previous discussion on the subject, some of the advanced users have concluded that the ability of a bottom to keep a combination standing upright at low spin-velocity is to be labeled "Precession" from now on. Smile Precession is the change of the axis of a rotating object, so saying that a combo has "high precession" is saying that it has an exceptional ability to continue spinning after its axis has changed. Tips like ES and MB would have "low" precession, due to fact that as soon as their axis changes the combo is pretty much dead (with the exception of combos with high LAD, of course).

However, though the difference between "precession" and "LAD" has been defined, A combo with only high LAD, or only high precession, will lose very badly to a combo with both high precession and LAD.

Therefore, I think that we need to develop a term that refers to the combo's overall ability to remain spinning at very low spin-velocity, whether standing upright or on its side, or the combination of the combo's LAD and Precession.

Some of my ideas are:
LVE (Low Velocity Endurance)
LVRP (Low Velocity Rotational Persistence)
LVRA (Low Velocity Rotational Ability)

Hopefully we can come to a term that refers to a combo's overall ability to continue spinning at very low spin-velocity (With the input and approval of the Committee of course), since we'll probably need it with so many Dragooon combos running around! We could also use this term to refer to tips like GF, which technically have neither high precession or LAD, but still has "Low Velocity Endurance", or the ability to endure at low spin velocities, since it usually doesn't even tip over.

Wink Post you're ideas an input!

(Jul. 17, 2013  2:37 AM)theblackdragon Wrote: LVRA (Low Velocity Rotational Ability)

I agree with what you are saying 100%, and personally I like LVRA as a term to be used, since to me it makes the most sense, especially for people who use LAD incorrectly.

I like it!
How about LVRP but P meaning precession instead of persistence also I was thinking of Bottom Aided Precession. BAP. Hope my ideas are valued. Smile
Why not just LVR (Low Velocity Rotation)? I saw no problem with using the term LAD. Maybe it's not quite accurate to describe what bottoms like EWD do by saying LAD because it's not actually standing upright, but what's the harm in doing so? Although I suppose LVR, LVE, etc. would be a better description for MFB.
Yo, precession is wobbling, so not really standing upright at all ... I do not think this topic is ready at all yet.