Kingdom Hearts

This thread is about Kingdom Hearts!
If there is already a thread for this please do not do anything to me. Just close it. Just post in this thread telling me what I did wrong.
I searched kingdom hearts and stuff came up not about Kingdom Hearts.
Thank You
~Ultimo BattlerSmile
i love kingdom hearts so dose a friend of mine here on the wbo usrname AXEL(KH2)
So do you have Re:Coded? If so which level are you on?
Kingdom Hearts is the best video game. It is fun and it teaches us more about our hearts. If you were paying attention you would see that.
There is already a Kindom Hearts thread so ask a Mod to close this for you.
It is my favorite Video Game too! I know it teaches us about hearts! I am just asking what level he was on if he had re:coded.
I beat recoded. It was easy and fun. Manly the bosses are hard. Like Pete