Kamen Rider

Do not ever say "Decade" again, frothman.
(Nov. 22, 2011  5:02 AM)Hazel Wrote: Do not ever say "Decade" again, frothman.

um out of curiosity what DID decade do?
(Nov. 22, 2011  5:02 AM)Hazel Wrote: Do not ever say "Decade" again, frothman.



(Nov. 22, 2011  9:00 PM)Clonetos Wrote: um out of curiosity what DID decade do?

It's a running joke between people who followed Decade, because every episode Narutaki popped out of nowhere to say "This is all Decade's fault!". Narutaki said this because he truly believed Decade would become the "Destroyer of Worlds".

Still mad at how I saw a screenshot of a trailer with Narutaki choking Decade and saying "Now I will show you my true form!" for one of the Decade movies, but when that movie was actually pushed it no such scene existed. It was as if they chopped that entire part out and/or re-did it.

Decade's storyline was a bit butchered in general, and I really would have liked to know why Narutaki had such a big grudge on Tsukasa/Decade.
I actually don't even care about the joke - Decade was an abomination. A literal bloody vomit of terrible ideas.

The worst ideas.
O.O ooook note to self stay away from decade but uh hows OOOs?
(Nov. 22, 2011  9:45 PM)Hazel Wrote: I actually don't even care about the joke - Decade was an abomination. A literal bloody vomit of terrible ideas.

The worst ideas.

Totally agree with you. Pink is definitely not a good masculine Rider color (oh, sorry Decade, it's actually mangeta?). His only purpose was to link the old era of Riders with the new one. And that didn't really last long after his series ended.

That said, it's funny how W, OOO, and Fourze (to some extent) are somehow in the same "world", seeing as how there was a connection between W's Foundation X and Kougami's company, as well as having Fourze being in the last bit of OOO.

The Final Kamen Attack Form Ride thing was pretty sweet, though.

(Nov. 22, 2011  9:50 PM)Clonetos Wrote: O.O ooook note to self stay away from decade but uh hows OOOs?

Depends on who you ask, really.

To me OOO was slightly decent, but during the last half it totally lost my interest. Kougami was the only thing keeping me going, but he stopped saying "HAPPY BIRTHDAY" at the halfway mark. Unhappy

Eiji, with his outlook and morals, constantly irritated me.

w forever
(Nov. 22, 2011  11:01 PM)bugturtles Wrote: w forever

Truly, it was hard-boiled.

Now if you'll excuse me, it's time to count up my sins.
Hey how many belt extenders would a husky guy like me would need i mean i wanna be able to wear the OOOs driver and i kinda wanna be prepared.
(Nov. 24, 2011  12:24 AM)Clonetos Wrote: Hey how many belt extenders would a husky guy like me would need i mean i wanna be able to wear the OOOs driver and i kinda wanna be prepared.

the extender adds around 20cm ( maybe couple cm more )
I think Cloney needs more than 20 cm. No offense though. Perhaps you could use A binder or some other rider's belt parts?
(Nov. 24, 2011  2:05 PM)powerangeryan Wrote: I think Cloney needs more than 20 cm. No offense though. Perhaps you could use A binder or some other rider's belt parts?

Oh no Im not offended at all i got 150 waist line XD what can i say im a big guy
Me too haha(big guy not waist size.not to be confused with really big guy). When I say big I mean big body not just fat(I have quite a lot too though) . It's nice to have people who understand me. The last time, my grandfather cut-off the ends of both sides of the belt, attached some binder and re-attached the ends. I would have been mad if that did not work. Also, Im proud of my $5(sale) hibiki belt. Never get traditional with kids, they don't listen even if it's Kamen rider
know kamen rider core medals remember him know his medals take a look at this

Wow ok. Hope to see that soon
(Nov. 26, 2011  10:57 PM)Clonetos Wrote: know kamen rider core medals remember him know his medals take a look at this


(Nov. 27, 2011  1:56 AM)powerangeryan Wrote: Wow ok. Hope to see that soon

Don't count on it, this post is almost a year old. First month of 2011.
(Nov. 27, 2011  2:11 AM)Hazel Wrote:
(Nov. 26, 2011  10:57 PM)Clonetos Wrote: know kamen rider core medals remember him know his medals take a look at this


(Nov. 27, 2011  1:56 AM)powerangeryan Wrote: Wow ok. Hope to see that soon

Don't count on it, this post is almost a year old. First month of 2011.
I know but i thought it was a good find HOWEVER the medals Sasori Kani and Ebi Are available along with the Memory....Memory....It doesn't say me-ANYWAY Also there is rumors of a WHITE combo It is said to be Usagi Panda AND....thats it but still I found Concept that PROVES that the EX medal set was suppose to be a combo but it was Tragically Scrapped shame id love to see a combo jingle I can see it now it go like "SASORI KANI EBI! *sounds* SAAAAAKANEBI!" well in my mind that is...

Both of those combinations are just several-months-old rumours that never did come to fruition. There are barely any upcoming appearances for OOOs, so I do not know why you would still be clinging to them and expecting those forms to appear anywhere now.
(Nov. 27, 2011  3:32 AM)Kai-V Wrote: Both of those combinations are just several-months-old rumours that never did come to fruition. There are barely any upcoming appearances for OOOs, so I do not know why you would still be clinging to them and expecting those forms to appear anywhere now.

I know forgive me i was new to me AUGH if only the legs could be seen....well we can speculate i dunno maybe bandai is trolling us IN OTHER NEWS i want the Medals in the SP set ya know Cobra Kame Wani with the magic hands switch one problem I dont know if im gonna get the Fourze driver in the future i mean its up for grabs in the air...ALSO planning to get one of the medal sets next month along with the OOOs driver but still havent Decided hmmm 1 2 3 or 4 OR should i get a candy box set or break down for Gashapon OH OH and and um would a Box be safe for the medals since i got no other means of storage .3.
It should be, if there's no damaging hazards inside. I recommend the first medal set as you can get both Gatakiriba and Latorah. As for the sasori thing, I didn't know it was almost a year old
(Nov. 27, 2011  6:47 AM)powerangeryan Wrote: It should be, if there's no damaging hazards inside. I recommend the first medal set as you can get both Gatakiriba and Latorah. As for the sasori thing, I didn't know it was almost a year old

You got a point if i get the OOOs driver and the medal set 1 i be killing two birds with one stone hmmm or in this case a cat and insect. I heard the W and OOOs movie CORE war thing was a bad movie i dunno i mean the whole concept of a flaming kamen rider the size of a building seems epic to me...ANYWAY I also wanna get all the core medals even the cobrakawani (hope thats how ya say it) and mix and match it all. OH also i know how to make the Sasori/ebi Movie accurate just use a screw driver.
I don't get the screw driver part. I only found the skull part of it entertaining. The rest was just off the TV series. The feel just wasn't right. Yup. That's why you should get the first set...and it will also give you a jump start on your collection...then move on to Sagozou or something.trust me cos I own them
yaknow speaking of OOOs in th e show the greed mainly two i like share a bond who am i talking about Gamel and Mezul know before you say "Oh no not a pairing" No its not LIKE that its more of a mother and son sorta deal c'mon Gamel acts like a child he does hes naive hes obedient and mezul is like his mother. And I remember seeing one episode where he was worried about her looking for her and calling her name it just SCREAMED "Mommy where are you" its kinda touching really it is well that's my view on it"
That UVA must be the grumpY old grandfather lol. Kazari is the hot-shot father
(Nov. 28, 2011  3:42 AM)powerangeryan Wrote: Ok...
That UVA must be the grumpY old grandfather lol. Kazari is the hot-shot father

Hmmm nah also lately people have been looking down on the new riders i mean back in 09 i hear how AWESOME KR is and as soon as i get into it people complain i mean cmon what did you expect it was made for kids in the first place ALSO if you wanna little info i got something for you here it is

Ultra Q
Kamen Rider
Super Sentai

Your asking yourself now is clone pulling this from his butt NOPE its true don't believe me lemme explain
Gojira was a movie in 1954 now a member of the special effects department would go on making Ultra Q which reused Toho monster costumes THEN he made ultraman setting forth the Japanese masked hero Genre Then came Kamen Rider which did good in its success so Super Sentai was made as competetion So kiddies Uncle Clone says that if it wasn't for Gojira (Godzilla) there be no kamen rider.
Oh... That makes sense. So since I had this cool Gozilla figure, I also have an awesome Kamen rider figure!
(I almost panicked when I saw Kai-V was browsing the thread )
And : Uncle clone+ ooo driver +medals+beard + Santa outfit= Kamen rider Cloney-Clause. He-he-henshin! Merry Rider Christmas and medals for everyone!(not the Greeed!what are you thinking Cloney-Clause?)