Just Opened My New Beyblade Store Website!


This thread is both so I can let people know about my new store and for any questions or feedback regarding the site.

We have stock of all generations for good prices so I’d definitely recommend checking it out! Profit from the site also helps me fund the tournaments I host. Currently we only ship within the US but I’m looking at expanding if the initial launch goes well.

I’m very excited to share this with you all! Please let me know what you think.

Store Link

Use Code “EASTCOASTBEYBLADE1” for an extra discount until November 22nd!

P.S. If you are a content creator or tournament organizer and would be interested in setting up some sort of sponsorship please let me know!
I'm a content creator but based in canada. interested in that HellsChain 5-60HT Black and Green for 40% off Tongue_out