Wheel: Pegasus
Track: D125D
Weight: I believe it was between 37.7 and 39 grams
Concept: Defensive MFB I assumed that using the D125 track with Pegasus' wheel would be a great defensive blade to the deflection ablity of the wheel and the balance that D125 would give extra stamina and defense
Tests 7 tests were done with each:Wolf105f,Bull,125SF,Leone 125B
PegasusD125 was launched first in all trials.
Stadium: Hasbro Moblie Stadium
Wins:5(4 by Outspin,1 by KO)
Aganst Bull125SF
Wins:6( 4 Outspin, 2 KO
Losses: 0
Ties: 1
Leone 145B
Wins:2 (OS)
Loss:5 (3 KO,2 OS)
Track: D125D
Weight: I believe it was between 37.7 and 39 grams
Concept: Defensive MFB I assumed that using the D125 track with Pegasus' wheel would be a great defensive blade to the deflection ablity of the wheel and the balance that D125 would give extra stamina and defense
Tests 7 tests were done with each:Wolf105f,Bull,125SF,Leone 125B
PegasusD125 was launched first in all trials.
Stadium: Hasbro Moblie Stadium
Wins:5(4 by Outspin,1 by KO)
Aganst Bull125SF
Wins:6( 4 Outspin, 2 KO
Losses: 0
Ties: 1
Leone 145B
Wins:2 (OS)
Loss:5 (3 KO,2 OS)