[Jakarta] [14 Jul 2012] Bey Bash : The Next Level

A tournament before school starts...

Bey Bash: The Next Level

Date : Saturday, July 14, 2012

Time : Arrive @11:00 a.m. SHARP for registrations, introductions, rules overview, free play, sales/purchases. The Tournament will begin @1 p.m. WIB - until finished

Venue/Location : Pantai Indah Kapuk - Metro Broadway Jl. Pantai Indah Utara 2, Pantai Indah Kapuk - Jakarta 14460, Indonesia Google Map : http://maps.google.com/maps/place?cid=13...PDA&dtab=2

Format : 28 Participants : Round Robin Block System
More than 28 Participants : Double Elimination

Fees : USD. 5,- for entrance OR USD. 10,- to purchase a WBO passport (valid for 1 year). Current passport holders are free. (All fees must be settled before the event date). If paying in Rupiah, it is Rp. 100.000 for a passport OR Rp. 50.000 for a one time entrance fee

Prizes :

*NO FAKE PARTS (Don't bring them to the event)*

1. wpardin
2. betraka000
3. No$killbl@der
4. blitz300
5. prastyo wibowo
6. OncomBlader
7. vincenteh
8. Real Madrid
9. Mystery13
10. Killer Instinct
11. C_Andrew
12. FeyFla
13. reynara
14. Jenson

Wait List:
1. Magic Blader
2. loki5500
3. Sentinel Prime
Add me to participant list
Ada yg ngebet. Msh di rest of the world uda post.
(Jul. 09, 2012  3:50 PM)wpardin Wrote: Ada yg ngebet. Msh di rest of the world uda post.

Maklum om tadi salah lihat hehehe Lips_sealed saya kira udh di forum indo, ga taunya pas liat sub forumnya...
N0$killBl@der dan blitz300 masuk
hadir saya hadir...
aku di waiting list
OncomBlader ngabarin kalau dia jg ikut
Vincenteh, tlg ksh tau ko chandra jg ya.

List uda di update.
klo om chandra aku gk tau,kemungkinan sih ikut
waiting list dong Cute
Bring it on Pegasis_Wink
Sentinel spt biasa waiting list
Ada bbrp yg langsung menghubungi saya & saya uda masukin namanya ke daftar peserta.

Siapa yang juara?
Juara kompetisi Bey Bash 14 Juli 2012:

Juara 1: Mystery13
Juara 2: prastyo wibowo
Juara 3: blitz300
Setelah tie-break 2x nyari juara 2 & 3, akhirnya aku yg gugur. Juara 4 rank turun lg deh Sagittario_RollEyes

Selamat ya bagi pemenang ! Pegasis_Wink
Memang pertandingan yg melelahkan. Di blok awal aja bs ada 5 way tie break. Bnr2 grup yg ketat bgt.
kenapa semakin dikit peserta semakin ketat ya??
Selamat ya kepada yang juara
Turnamen ini sekarang telah diproses, dan semua Faces dan Kredit telah diberikan. Selamat semua!
Thank you very much, Arupaeo =)
Wow, you're #5 now Leone_Astonished congrats =D