Is my website cool or not?

I done with putting up the layout and banner and I trying to find out why the AMVs not workking so can you check my website out and check out the AMV section and see if it work for you guys.
Artie Wrote:why are you so adamant on making a site?

Because Brad is his idol <3
No it because I just want to make a Anime Website.
Beyblade14 Wrote:No it because I just want to make a Anime Website.


there are many, many more successful websites that aren't made by inexperienced users who host on free-domains...
any website with a hentai section MUST carp DIE.
Beyblade14 is now a RESTRICTED user. He is unable to post any new threads. This is because he has, again and again, created new threads that were not necessary.
Tamer Brad Wrote:Beyblade14 is now a RESTRICTED user. He is unable to post any new threads. This is because he has, again and again, created new threads that were not necessary.

hentai section -- a 14 year old made a anime site with a hentai section

You guys must be pros at teh hentai. I can't find any link on that website.
I took off the Hentai Section and also I need to take the file off the sever for a min so I can change things and then I put it back on again