Introduce Yourself

hi in have been on the WBO for a few months my combo is flash SGTO S130 which i dont have and r2f
Hey! Check out the BBC! Spread word if u like
hi, welcome to the WBO....!! if you need any help PM me
Welcome to the WBO. I love Flash. I use it in tournaments regularly. Check out my guide in my sig for all the info you will need.

If you need help feel free to PM me. Im always around.
Whoa... A new member! Welcome I am B!gBang, here on the World Beyblade Organization (WBO for short) we like to welcome are new-users with respect and guidance.

1. *Special. Do not talk to Kai-V... Ever! (I kid, I kid.)
2. Be nice to me and the Admins, we try really hard to make your day super special Smile!
3. Actually, better yet -- try to be nice to every member. I promise it will pay of one-day.

Ohhh... I almost forgot.

Welcome and stay out of trouble on the site. Don't back talk to moderators