Internet Videos

absolutely breathtaking live painting/animation using sand and a table
Most of you have probably seen it before, but I found it funny xD
Brentalfloss covers Game Unicon, including....a BEYBLADE section! MFB...who is this, fess up!
Hahaha, I know that name. I know who that is, and I can see my Beyblades ~ :]

Why did that guy call it "spinning sumo wrestling"? Has he not heard of spinning tops?
Lol, "Spinning sumo wrestling"...and the funny thing is, some people over 20 have not seen spinning tops or even heard of them.

Off-topic: Ya I know it's stupid but, since when pegasis was unbanned?
The whole video was pretty funny.

It was kinda of weird to hear Tom describe DF145 as Down Force 145. I know that's the name, but I usually describe it by the letters.

Heart you were there? Should've gotten on the camera!

I would so money match for Beyblades, and the guy did a pretty good launching for not being so experienced with the game.
(Sep. 09, 2009  12:56 AM)fragbait Wrote: Is that YOU he's talking to?

No, it's not.

I knew I should have made that clearer. Uncertain

Tempestas: Haha, no, I wasn't there. It's just I traded my Rock Leone and Dark Wolf with him a few months ago; I live in the UK.

Ohh, I didn't realise there was more Beyblading at the end as well ~
(Sep. 07, 2009  10:36 PM)fragbait Wrote:
Brentalfloss covers Game Unicon, including....a BEYBLADE section! MFB...who is this, fess up!

Speaking of GameUnicon, the guy who owned it was arrested's a link to read the story. It's based out of the smashboards...but still legitimate. There's a link to the story video on the thread.
ahahaha wow i'm glad i canceled that event now

edit: reading through that thread, these store owners seriously paid for everything up front because some dude said he would pay them back later

they are complete idiots

edit2: hahahaha people who play smash bros PROFESSIONALLY AS THEIR ONLY JOB freaking out because as it turns out that is not a very reliable job
They did not pay Justing Wong his prize money?
(Sep. 22, 2009  5:39 PM)fragbait Wrote: Speaking of GameUnicon, the guy who owned it was arrested's a link to read the story. It's based out of the smashboards...but still legitimate. There's a link to the story video on the thread.

Haha, shame on them.
(Sep. 22, 2009  6:03 PM)Bey Brad Wrote: people who play smash bros PROFESSIONALLY AS THEIR ONLY JOB freaking out because as it turns out that is not a very reliable job

I don't know of but 1 or 2 people in the US who smash as their job. Plus, even if they win every tourney they go to, they are still making under poverty level. The top player in the world only makes enough to go to college. But we're talking about a lot of money and this happening in the community is unprecedented. Usually, money is paid out on the spot, none of this check bullcarp. So, yeah.
Just so you all know, come to a Wichita tourney if you want the money, We'll hand it right to you after the match. GameUnicon just happened to be a bust XD
(Sep. 22, 2009  6:03 PM)Bey Brad Wrote: reading through that thread, these store owners seriously paid for everything up front because some dude said he would pay them back later

As much as I feel sympathy to the store, this does bother me

They should have cut their losses as quickly as possible.

Plus I hope to god they got proper contracts down. For this kind of business to shell out that kind of cash without a proper business contract is really asking for trouble.
(Sep. 30, 2009  11:09 PM)Roan Wrote: LMAO


"Hello. I was possessed by Satan. To prove it, I'm going to freak out onstage."

Gets called on BS and decides the best way to redeem himself is to act as if he was possessed by Satan.
Lol i don't know if anyone else posted this but this is so funny!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!