I need help D:!

Sorry for the trouble but I've noticed that u guys buy Beyblades on Ebay only. Well I'm underage and don't have a credit card and i want to buy a takara tomy (poison serpent&ray unicorno) but can only use my brother's card ,but its a visa card and I've heard that they only take paypal on ebay and my brother uses Amazon.com for Online Purchases ... the problem is that takara tomy or hasbro beyblades on amazon are really expensive .. Gasp and i want to post this for some advice or helpful info about ebay or amazon p.s if you sell on amazon for a reasonable price pm me please Smile ..
in america you can buy poison serpent at your local walmart,if you live in UK or Australia,you chould try Plamoya.com they have a beyblade shop there.theres a link to it on DrigerGTs website.
(Nov. 19, 2010  2:59 AM)UltimateChimera Wrote: in america you can buy poison serpent at your local walmart,if you live in UK or Australia,you chould try Plamoya.com they have a beyblade shop there.theres a link to it on DrigerGTs website.

really? poison serpent is released in america ? D:
yeah it was,about 2 weeks ago.
Gasp! i didn't know that D:! well thank you for telling me about it Smile
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