I have made a site and am wondering what you guys think of it.

Not very good, people can just come here : /
But compared to other atrocious fan-sites yours seems pretty okay.
Il's ok kind of like a bad version of Beyblade Sipirit, the background annoys me though. But like MC Frown said people can just come here.
reminds me of one of those old beyblade fan sites i used to look at too see other peoples combos and stuff,lol i even rember one site which gave instructions on how to make a stadium out of wood Chocked
(Jun. 04, 2010  5:52 AM)Mc Frown Wrote: Not very good, people can just come here : /
But compared to other atrocious fan-sites yours seems pretty okay.
What the hell? People can just come here

Bing..not every good people can just go on google
Apple..not very good people can just use Windows.

Its a stupid way of thinking.

Anyway great site!
It's different you cant really put anything on a beblade site thats been done before and most stuff has been taken, windows and mac have things that are unique to them.