I am a new blader!

well... i have earth Aquila 145wd and rock aries ed145b and lightning ldrago and flame sagittario c145s
you are going to win quite a few battles with aquila and ldrago
Unless he gives them to me because I'm just such a great guy?
ha you wish cherry lol
(Sep. 19, 2010  6:57 PM)alexscott12 Wrote: ha you wish cherry lol
yeah, you wish!,.....he's gonna give em to me, right? hah, anyways, WelcomeTongue_out
I already have eagle but will you give me ldrago PLEASE lol
Cherry has much sadface.
you don't have earth eagle sorry about that cherry lol but I am seriously surprised that nobody knows how good earth eagle is because a little more than a week ago I saw it but didn't buy it and went back the next week it was still there
Welcome GOOOOPEGGASSUS by the way do u live in long island
Nice blades ( hint , hint : Earth Aries C145 WD ) , hah , anyway welacome !