
Hello i'm new. I should consider myself a pretty good blader. But... I cant seem to make a combo good enough. My current beyblade is a pegasis 145b. Is it a good combo?
Hey, Welcome to the WBO ! I hope you enjoy your stay here. As for your customization, change the bottom to RF and add a Metal Face to it, then it will be very good (Top Tier). Joyful_3
Welcome to wbo
Welcome to WBO i would listen omega its a realy good combo!
I have a RF but i cant see the point. Its good for attack but.... I like stamina+attack combos. So i choosed B. Any other suggetions?
Here's my advice on your blade, take it or leave it: Do you want to be aggressive or do you want to spin for a long time? You should pick one or the other as your primary focus, and in this it seems that your focus is attack. B is more like a sub-par defense tip (if you're going to go that route why not use SD, anyway? Why B?), and as such it's meant to stay stationary in the middle of the stadium... which is exactly what you DON'T want for an attack type. The rest of the blade is clearly not meant to withstand hits. If you hate RF, try another F-type bottom, like HF... it's fast and aggressive to a lower degree but it has higher stamina than RF. Or SF/FS (depending on how you want to play), both of which have even less attack potential with even more stamina, but are still much more viable than B.

Welcome to WBO, by the way, I'm new here myself.
(Oct. 19, 2010  12:46 PM)Shika blade Wrote: Hello i'm new. I should consider myself a pretty good blader. But... I cant seem to make a combo good enough. My current beyblade is a pegasis 145b. Is it a good combo?

Psst... change Ball to JogBall for stability, stamina and movemeant but otherwise good combo!
Welcome do I hear a Challenge? My Earth Aquario 145ED HF is ready are you!
Private message me if you can battle and title it Go Shoot! or Let it Rip!