Heya guys

I just wanted to say hello to everyone im new to the WBO but ive been blading since i was a little kid and the series first started ive recently found my box of classic blades and well im addicted to them again! Here's to Beybladers all around the world!
Hi, and btw i like your avatar.
EDIT: just noticed they made additions to they defult gallery but i still like it.
(Apr. 01, 2010  2:31 AM)SilverWind Wrote: Hi, and btw i like your avatar.
I finally added new avatars to the gallery, hah.

(Apr. 01, 2010  2:33 AM)Kai-V Wrote: I finally added new avatars to the gallery, hah.


Ya stupid me just noticed but i really love all the new ones Kai-V