Hey guys, it's Brooklyn

What's up?

My name is Brooklyn.
I have been Beyblading since I was 11, and I'm 18 now. I never played competitively, so I have joined WBO to learn, and because I enjoy games with high energy and high strategy. I love how every Beyblade has a different personality. Rent is a pain, but Beyblading has been my go-to for these past few months, while I work hard on my music.

I have a YouTube channel, where I will be posting some Beyblade videos! I just ordered some new Beyblades, and will be ordering more of them in the months that follow. I am so excited ... !
Welcome to the WBO read Kai-V's message to you.
*Hands out cookie*
*Big fancy banner*
Welcome to the wbo and I hope you have an awesome time
Hope you enjoy the WBO