Hey guys! Dots here!

Hey you!

My name is Misha, and I am a 18-year-old male who recently got interested in beyblades again.

My mom tossed out my old beyblades while I was away on vacation (Yes, the 2002-2004 series) so I had to buy myself a brand new one.

My pick was the Basalt Horogium 145wd, mainly because I am a defence-carp and partly due to the clock design.

My old beyblade collection (r.i.p. Crying ) had following beyblades:

Seaborg 1+2
Wolborg 1+2
Daziel Fortress
Some random Driggers (including that lime green jumping one..)

New beyblade collection:
Basalt Horogium 145wd

As you can see, that hurt like hell on my collection...

Anyhows, treat me well!
[Image: aahhhhhhhhhhhhhh.jpg?t=1297803729]

by the way the metal driger and the green "hopping" einstein ms are completely different.
You've come to the right place for your beyblade needs.
(Mar. 08, 2011  8:11 PM)Jacksonian Wrote: by the way the metal driger and the green "hopping" einstein ms are completely different.

Don't worry, I know Grin
At least on the Danish box, it called it a drigger.
Welcome To THE AWESOME WBO!!! You are going to enjoy yourself a lot here!
Welcome!!! to the WBO!!! Have a gud tym
Thank you guys! Thanks for the great welcome!
My favourite bey is basalt horogium too!!! (but its my favourite UNCUSTOMIZED bey)

im a fan of defense, but i like stamina and attack more. WELCOME, U R READY TO LEARN MORE ABOUT HOW BEYBLADES PWN!
Welcome to the WBO forums and have a nice time blading
sorry for your lost, ma friend