Hey Im new

Hi my name is Cu. i was reffered to this web site by my friend Ra. im kinda new to beys so im pretty much a noob.
Welcome, read around and you'll pretty much get a basic knowledge about bey batles Joyful_3
Cu , Ra whats with the 2 letter usernames haha Im kidding welcome Cu.
thanks for the help your pretty nice are there more people like you and ra
hey moss im the one who made his account. hes my friend. hes only 7
Kai-V, Daegor42 , Diamond , Heart , Khel , and Aqua.

(Oct. 08, 2010  9:07 PM)Moss Wrote: Kai-V, Daegor42 , Diamond , Heart , Khel , and Aqua.

You forgot XBlader (just kidding, but im pretty helpful too but their betterSmile)
Hey there new guy! Have fun with the website and learning new things!